Suprises are for kids

66 6 8

TW: physical and mental abuse


I'm awoken suddenly by a sharp grip on my wrist, my eyes dart towards the hand gripping it tighter by the second and follow the arm until I see Wayne hovering beside me, I must've passed out at my desk.

"The fuck is this?" He asks referring to the smashed picture frame of us both which was layed face down on the floor beside me. He holds it up and forcefully shoves it in my face, I shakily turn my head to stare down at it, trying to avoid his eyes at all costs and hold back the oncoming tears. I hate to see him when hes upset, it never ends well for either of us..

"I-I'm sorry Wayne! I must've fell asleep." I attempt to keep my words calm and steady but I cant stop the fucking stutters that taunt me with my every sentence. Wayne hates stutters, I know that by now. He roughly jerks my arm making me let out a sharp cry.

"I thought you loved me Evan, how do you think I feel when I find out my boyfriend likes to smash photos of me when I'm not around?" He scowls at the look on my face that's staring back into his fiery green eyes. His eyes burning holes into the photo that I'm now holding. Before I can defend myself he slaps my face hard, that's gonna leave a mark.

"I'm sorry Wayne!" He imitates in a high pitched voice "Poor little me mustve fell asleep" He moves his hands to his hips and sighs. "Listen Evan. You know I love you right?" His words get softer as he smiles a bit. I bite my cheek.

"I- yes of course I do.." I mutter

"Then why do you treat me so horribly?!" He screams "You are nothing without me, Evan Fong." He pokes my shoulder harshly as my gaze moves to the floor. If I make eye contact hell see that as retaliation and I dont need that now.

I blink away the tears and shake my head "I'm sorry..." I choke out, my voice unsteady and weak. The tears making my face sting where they fall where he hit me.

"Evan for fuck sake you're doing this to yourself. I make you happy dont I?" He grins and moves down to my level, he reaches out and moves my jaw so I'm facing him as he wipes away the tears on my face. My crying turns into sobs, I can barely breathe and I didnt see Wayne pull my down from the chair and into his lap. He held me gently and rested his chin on my head.

"What am I going to do with you?..." He softly sighs, rocking me back and forth as I let the final pain-ridden tears fall. I cant feel my right wrist where Wayen held me tightly and I cant feel the left side of my face from where he slapped me. My mind is racing and my chest is full of unknown emotions.

"Stop crying, we've got guests coming over soon." He coldly states as he kisses my head and moves me off of his lap, moving to stand up.

"Guests? When?" I quietly ask, he stares down at me.

"Some people, in about an hour so I suggest making yourself.." He pauses as he looks me up and down, making me self conscious "Less weak and more presentable" He tuts and swiftly walks out of the room.

Looking around I spot the photo of Wayne and I. Its smashed more than what he- what did yesterday. I sigh and put it in a draw under the desk and move to stand up and get ready.


We are around 10 minutes from Evan and Wayne's place and everyones excited to see him again, the last time we all hung out was before him and Wayne got together which is far too long, we each got them a gift to celebrate their 1 year together and honestly, I dont know much about Wayne to have an opinion on him so well see how this goes.

"Where the fuck are we?" Nogla stares out the window at beautiful modern houses.

"Uhm, this is Evan's street you lemon-" Jon playfully hits David and laughs, making Tyler snicker.

"Hes done well for himself." Brock longingly looks out the window at the beautifully decorated garden as we pull into the driveway.

Each of us grab our coats and gifts and make our way to the front door, Jon knocks.

No response.

"Try again?" I ask

He does so and we can hear talking followed by footsteps. The door swings open revealing a tall as man with brown hair and a questioning expression. He looks sketchy but I'm not here for him, were here for Evan.

Brock reaches out to shake hands but he just stares at it until Brock awkwardly lowers it.

"You must be Evan's friends." He states blunty and moves out the way, "Come in. Evan's getting ready upstairs, hell be down soon." He wears a blank expression.

Right so I dont fucking trust him.

We all move into the living room and take a seat, taking off our coats and giving them to Brock who kindly offers to hang them up. He takes a seat inbetween me and Luke who is staring at a golden owl statue on the fireplace.

Wayne clears his throat as he kneels infront of said fire place "So. How long have you known Evan?" He sets a match and throws it in, good call cause its fucking freezing.

I speak up "For me, almost 8 years. Hes a good friend and you're a lucky man." He turns around and moves onto the free couch opposite us.

"Oh I know I am Brian, I'm very lucky. Speaking of" He looks behind me as Evan descends down the stairs wearing an awkward smile, he waves and goes to sit beside Nogla.

"Evy why dont you come over here" Wayne purrs and I see a flash of surprise on Evan's face before he sits next to Wayne. Something isn't right. I think Jon and David suspect it too since the look at the two with confused expressions.

"So.. Uhm." Evan hums "How has everyone been?"

As the others respond with a chorus of "fine" or "good thanks" I cant help but notice how uncomfortable Evan seems to be around  Wayne.

Wayne put his hand on Evan's shoulder and he flinches. We all notice it and Wayne chuckles "Dont mind him, we watched a horror movie last night didnt we Ev"

"Yeah haha, I'm just a little jumpy," He 'laughs'


That's strange... Evan never used to get scared by horror. But then again I haven't seen him for a year so things might've changed. Yes we played horror maps but he would always fake his reactions for content.

"Thanks for the suprise visit guys." He smiles kindly at us, I can see Wayne's expression change into a disgusted one as he huffs.

"Cmon Ev, surprises are for kids. They visited to celebrate our 1 year together" he sits up and wraps his arm around Vanoss' waist and I can see the visual discomfort on his face as he tries to move away but Wayne seem to have a tight grip on him.

Somethings not right and I need to see if the others noticed too.

I look at everyone else who is staring at the hand around Evan. Him and wayne are in their own conversation as the rest of us look at one another signally we know that somethings wrong.

We need to find out what's happening.

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