Shouldn't have gotten in the way

51 5 4

TW: Abuse, mention of murder, blood


"What do you say that us fellas go for a walk?" Wayne stands up and begins walking to the coat hooks, taking off a black leather jacket and pulling it over his arms, looking at me and Brian expectantly.

"Sounds good!" Brian smiles and steps over to where Wayne is, grabbing mine and his coat and throwing mine at me, I raise an eyebrow at him before looking into the kitchen.

"What about Evan?"

Wayne shrugs "Hell be fine, now cmon I want to show you a bar that I like." The man proceeds to unlock the front door and step out, followed by Brian who breathes out and watches the white, cold air that swirls infront of him.

"You coming Jonathan?" Wayne asks with a smile that actually meets his eyes this time. I look back to the kitchen before swinging my navy-blue coat over my shoulders and throwing a questioning glance at Brian who just nods and turns to Wayne.

The fuck is he planning?


Luke and Scotty have left to get our things from the hotel since Evan offered we stay with them.

Me, Nogla and Tyler are in Brocks room, comforting him as he softly cries. Hes shaken by the way that Evan was so willing to take a hit for him, even if Brock himself had provoked him.

"Its alright dude, its over now." I try my best to soothe Moos stress but I dont think im doing a good job. Nogla sits down and lets him cry into his shoulder.

Brock sadly sits up from David, he looks up at me and takes his knees away from his chest, revealing his tear-stained face.

He goes to speak but a quick knock is heard from the door, we look at one another as Evan pokes his head around the door and looks guiltfully at Brock whose hands are now shaking.

Vanoss comes into the room and closes the door behind him, glancing from Brock to the rest of us. His shoulders tense as he looks down and rubs the back of his neck.

"A-are you alright Brock? Wayne can get a little hot headed at t-times so I just wanted to see how you were doing.." He finally views Brock who eagerly jumps up and throws his arms around Evan.

David smiles a bit while I stare sadly at the two. Evan returns the hug as Brock sobs in his arms, mumbling apologies and panicked stutters.

"Its okay," Vanoss whispers while rubbing circles onto mooe back as he eventually stops shaking and moves backwards, holding Evans shoulders.

He takes a deep breath, "Evan we need to talk.." The other responds by raising an eyebrow and slowly looks behind him at Tyler who bites his cheek and nods toward Brock who has taken his hands off of Vanoss' shoulders and has now wrapped them around himself for some sort of comfort.

"Ev... when we were on skype a couple months ago, you told me that you were the one that dropped the vase and ended up with a cut on your neck," He looks at the Canadian who is now subtly shaking "Were you lying?"

"I- no of course-"

"Evan! Dont try and dodge it, we know youre being abused." Tyler confronts "For fuck sake dude, why didnt you tell us?!"

Vanoss just moves away from Brock and stands up, his figure shaking "I-I dont know what youre saying-" He balls his hands into fists "Wayne just gets upset sometimes, its normal!"

"Its not!" I argue and take a deep breath to calm myself "Were here for you, you couldve told us that this was happening!"

The room goes quiet, anxious breaths from Brock is the only noise that taunts us, Evan moves to leave but Brock gently grabs his arm and pleadfully stares at him "Please just tell us what hes doing to you.."

Evan faces him begins to tear up and smiles numbly "I promised him I wouldnt... I want too but I cant." He pauses, taking his arm back from Moo and glancing back between Nogla who is just watching with a gloom face,  Tyler who is breathing heavily and me who is trying to process whats happening.

"Evan this shits serious and if you dont tell us, we cant help you." Tyler pleads

Evan just gulps and places his hand on the door handle, opening it "Just forget about it." He takes one more glance at Brock who is obviously fighting the urge to hug him again "Please."

And with the click of the door, his steps get more distant as the room grows awkward.

*No one*

"Tyler-" Nogla starts, he doesnt reply as Wildcat paces past him and swings open the door. The three follow him as he reaches the bottom of the stairs, startling Evan who has 2 pills in his hand.

"Evan please, youre like family to us man!" Vanoss keeps his eyes on the pills in his hands as he grabs a glass and swallows them. He walks past them and places the glass into the sink and begins to clean it. Not a single emotion is shown on his face the entire time. He turns away from them and slams the glass into the cabinet, almost shattering it before he shuts the cupboard fully. He spins around and leans on the counter, tears threatening to spill.

"What do you want me to say?!" He snaps "That he beats me?! Is that what you want?!" The others move back in shock, Brocks breathing becoming deeper and more laboured.

Evan continues, lost in his own words "That he tells me that you guys hate me? How he touches me when I say no?!" He slides down the counter and pulls his knees to his chest, hiding his face as he mumbles quietly "Is that what you wanted to hear?"

"Evan?" Everyone but Vanoss moves their gazes to the doorway and there stands Brian, Jon and Wayne.

Wayne moves quickly infront of the other two and kneels down infront of Evan who is in the middle of a breakdown. He snaps his head to Tyler and David.

"What the fuck did you do to him?!" He stands up and grabs Tyler by the collar, pulling his hand back into a fist. This catches the others attention.

"W-Wayne no!" Evan chokes as he weakly  jumps up and pushes his friend out the way, taking the hit for him.

Tyler falls into Davids arms in suprise, blushing as he scrambles up and yelps as he sees Evan on the floor,  leaning  on the wall behind him, blood running down his head as he stares up at Wayne with a terrified face. He touches the blood and moves his hand so he can see it, staring at it in shock.

Jon rushes over as everyone watches Evans eyes begin to flutter shut, "SOMEONE CALL A FUCKING AMBULANCE!"

Wayne stands back with not a care in the world as he watches his boyfriend go limp in Jonathans arms. He puts his hands in his pockets and watches everything go down, holding back a satisfied smirk.

He only has one thought and one thought only as the others surround his boyfriend, the one with the green shirt holding a phone to his ear. He glances down at the blood on his fist and smiles.

"Shouldnt have gotten in the way"

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