
49 4 1

TW: Wayne, Manipulation,  self harm, mental abuse, mentions of murder


Brock had came into my room a few hours ago, telling me that Vanoss had woken up from his "recovery coma" as he puts it. He managed to drag me downstairs and into the living room where Luke, Scotty, Brian and Evan were. I looked for a seat as far away from him as possible, however the others had left me the closest to him. I rested my head on the pillow beside me and let put a yawn from my lack of sleep (mainly due to crippling worry). However I want to be here for Evan when he wakes up again - it hurt me physically to see him like this in person. The way his eyes twitched ever so slightly as his breath hitched every now and then. The thought that I couldn't do anything hurt most.

Without realising, my fingers intertwined with the Canadians limp ones. Luke noticed and threw a cheeky grin at me, telling me that he knows why I'm holding his hand. I held on to Evan like it depended on our lives - maybe itll calm him down..

My upper body jerked upwards as I felt a squeeze back. My eyes scanning the others as they gradually opened - exhaustion and drowsiness was the first thing I saw when I met his gaze. His hands were cold, like they lost something important, something comforting. He was now in a black short sleeved shirt as my gaze stared at him curiously, he was so skinny, too skinny for a man his height and age. He had worn baggy hoodies and jackets ever since wed arrived, I hope to god it's not something serious like an eating disorder.

He looked so fragile and small like this, like at the smallest touch hed shatter and break, his wrists were covered in smudged foundation - revealing scratches and purple bruising around his wrists as if someone had grabbed him.

"Jon..?" His accent rasped in a low, tired tone. I sat up straight and inched closer to him - keeping our hands held together. "Are you okay?"

The other guys in the room left, leaving Vanoss and I alone to talk. My face softened into a small smile as my brows furrowed in sympathy, "I'm fine Ev, how you feeling?"

The younger Male paused for a moment, scrunching his eyes and attempting to sit up. "M, fine" he slurred. "How long has it been?" Vanoss let himself lean backwards onto the cushions behind him, opening his eyes wider now as he looked at me.

"Its been a day, Brock told me you woke up a few hours ago but I wasn't there when you did." I didnt even realise that I was still holding onto his hand before he pulled away, a deep blush forming on his cheeks as he stared at me - the same happening to me as I stared at the wall to my left, trying to act like that didnt just happen.

"O-oh... Wheres Wayne," he subtly changed the subject.

"He framed Tyler and I for hitting you infront of the paramedics, I lost my temper and yelled at him." I rubbed the back of my neck, Evan bit his cheek as his hands fiddled with the bottom of his shirt "He left after the ambulance did and we haven't seen him since."

"He framed you a-and Tyler? Why would he do that?" He asked

"That's what we need your help you understand Ev" I sighed "We need you to tell us what Wayne's been doing to you." I glanced back at him, he was in the middle of touching his bandage, I softly grabbed his hand and moved it away "You need to go to the station and answer some questions.. The paramedics seemed pretty convinced that it was Tyler and I because Wayne is your boyfriend and they trusted his word more."

Vanoss just sat in silence, looking deep in thought "I-I cant.." he shakingly sighs, facing toward the entry way of the room were in.

"Why not?" I quietly questioned "Did he say something to you? Did he threaten you?" Evan subtly flinched at my questions "He threatened you didnt he?"

The tension in the room was thick enough that you cut cut it with a knife.

"C-can I just show you?" He sadly replies, patting himself down in search for his phone, I handed him mine as he silently thanked me with a blush. He began pushing in some words into the search bar and handing the phone back to me "H-here just.. just read that"


Wayne.. murdered his fiance??

Not only that but this Eva looks alot like Evan - even her name is just a letter away.

I silently sent the link of the article to the BBS groupchat, Evan had left it a while ago - most likely because of that fucker he calls a boyfriend.

"He he-said if I told anyone, hed do to me wh-what he did to her." Evan began tearing up and shaking. I reached out and placed a hand on his shoulder, moving onto the space next to him and pulling him into a tight hug, letting him silently cry as I closed my eyes - imagining beating the shit out of Wayne for how hes hurting Evan.

" That's not gonna happen, I promise you" He moved back and I held his hands again, he's eyes red and his figure trembling. "The guys and I arent leaving you with him alright?" He quickly nodded, squeezing my hands back and wiping his eyes with his shoulder.

A knock sounded from the door "Come in!" I answer.
The rest of the gang make their way into the room, each sitting down as Evan covered his face in embarrassment from the tears. Brock sits next to Evan so hes now inbetween us, smiling comfortingly at him.

"Evan, you need to tell us everything. Start to finish." Anthony states, viewing the taller man with a sad expression "No bullshit, you need to be honest with us so we can help."

The other guys nod in agreement and I keep my hand on Vanoss', trying to give him some sort of confidence. He glances at each of us - looking as if hes having a battle in his own mind.

Luke adds on "You dont need too if you're not-"

"I'll tell you." He breathes out "I'll.. I'll tell you e-everything" his body becomes tense as he continues "I cant here, I cant risk Wayne coming back at catching me spilling about his secrets.."

Evan goes to speak again but the room door swings open, revealing a pissed off Wayne holding a beer bottle and a girl next to him, wearing little to know clothing as she stares lustfully at the gang who turn away in response.

"Evan what the fuck is this about secrets?" He slurs, leaning on the wooden cabinet beside him "I always knew itd come to this. You bitching to your fucko friends and hurting me even more, the fuck is wrong with you?!"

Vanoss stands up, letting go of my hands and making his way toward Wayne "I-I promise it wasn't about you!" He stuttered anxiously "We were just playing a game I swear.." he mumbled.

"Yeah yeah, sure you were, well fuck you Evan Fong. This whore has more decency than you" he spits, gesturing to the woman who winks at Brian. "If you keep it up like this, you'll have no one!" He yells "YOU HEAR ME, NO ONE WILL STAY WITH YOU EVAN!"

The dickhead turns and heads upstairs with the girl, leaving a frozen Vanoss who's hands begin aggressively scratching at his arms. David quickly stands up and reaches out for Vanoss in an attempt to stop him from hurting himself "Evan-"

"Dont fucking touch me." He growls and let's his arms drop to his sides in balled fists "Just... Just leave me alone." He tenses and begins quickly pacing toward the front door, Brian and I following shortly behind.

"Hey, hey you're in no shape to go out. Its freezing" I insist. "Come back inside and well talk about it.."

Evan just let's go of the handle, turning around and facing us with dull, depressed eyes and bleeding arms "All we fucking do is talk, talk, talk.. you heard Wayne, no one will stay. They all leave."

"No we arent leaving, we promise you!" Brock silently cries behind me "We love you Evan and you need to believe us!" He pleads.

The other doesn't respond, instead he slides down the door and pulls his knees up to his chest, I carefully sit infront of him. "What if he does kill me, what if everything I'm doing has no purpose and will lead to me dying in the end?" He wimpers

"We wont let that happen." Luke states as the others nod and agree.

I move my hand onto Evan's and furrow my brows "That's a promise."

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