
41 2 1

TW: Wayne


Shit this isnt good at all.

Evans gone, hes bleeding badly and on top of that he was already really weak from blood loss before all of this shit.

"What the fuck am I supposed to tell the others?" I grumbled to myself and gritted me teeth, waving my hands around infront of me "Oh yeah you know our obviously unstable friend? Yeah hes fucking ran away when I was supposed to check on him. Im such a good friend!" My accent being laced with clear sarcasm.

Stress clawed at my throat as I turned onto Evans driveway and saw the other guys - and the fucktard Wayne - looking around in panic.

"Brian!" Wayne scurried up to me like the rat he is, placing his hands on my shoulders with wide eyes"Wheres Evan?" He pestered eagerly.

"Oh dont you start acting worried you deranged goblin-" I sighed, shaking his hands off of me, ignoring his offended glare and nervously brushed my hair with my fingers, turning to Jon who moved to my left with furrowed brows "I went to check on him like we agreed and he collapsed from what I asume is blood loss. I walked over, grabbed his wrist and tried to help him up but he winced and pushed me away."

"Go on then, what happened? Get to it." Wayne narrowed his eyes as Tyler and Anthony flipped him off behind him.

"His hand had alot of blood flowing from his wrist and I was so distracted by it that he managed to run past me. He got out of the house and I tried to chase him but I lost him around a corner." The guys looked at me as Wayne shoved past me.

"Where the fuck do ye think youre going?" I asked

"To find Evan you dumbass, are you coming or not?" He stopped at the top of the driveway, his fists clenched.

"We arent going with you, fuck that" Jon growled "None of us trust you so do us a favour and fuck off"

Wanye scrunched his nose and began walking... in the opposite direction of where Evan went.

Fucking idiot.

"Brian where did you lose him?" David questions, him and the guys joining me and Delirious "We can split into two groups and carry on from there."

"Up the road, near a bunch of fancy ass houses. I felt like a hobo walking around there." I shivered at the thought of these fancy ass people staring at a cracked out Irish cunt just kicking snow around and insulting everything out of anger.

"Alright so Brock, Luke, Jon and I will go around there and the rest of you can look around for any places he could hide. I doubt hed be in the open." Nogla continued.

The guys agreed and we each split into our groups, first I lead Noglas side to where I last saw him and then I took my group further up the street.


"This Canadian weather I s-swear to god!" Anthony gritted, wrapping his arms around himself and sniffling "I feel like a shaved polar bear."

We chuckled at his comment, still keeping our eye out for our friend.. still no luck. Its been around half an hour and theres nothing here except for passerbys and snow.

I hope the others are having better luck than us.

*Marcels POV*

"I think this is the place.." I hummed before pulling into a driveway, seeing 2 more cars there. Please dont be some random persons place that im at..

I decided to visit the guys and Evan again. I was meant to join them when they were suprising him and his boyfriend but a family emergancy came up... I mean it wasnt an emergancy. My younger sister broke her arm playing outiside with her friends and I had to babysit her while my parents were working. She is annoying as fuck ill tell you that but then again I still care for her alot.

Unbuckling my seatbelt and closing the car door, I made my way to the front door which seemed to be slightly ajar.

"The fuck?..."

I pushed the door open "Hey- uhh... Evan? You here?"

No response.

"Im sure this is the right place, I checked with Tyler like 30 thousand times"

I stepped in and began making my way down the halway "If this is the wrong place, im not a criminal just a dumbass" my steps echoing the isolated building, visibly relaxing when I saw Evans famous red jacket hung up on the stair railing. 'Thank fuck its the right address... but where are they?"


Ive looked through every room, hurled every insult at them incase theyre hiding and then come out when they are offended.
I mean I probably should of guessed they werent here when I entered the damn place.

Deciding against my wishes to go out and find them, I chose the room I assume is Anthonys by the panda suitcase and sat on the bed, scrolling through my social media, reading youtube comments, responding, etc.

The slam of a door startled me as I fell off the bed with a thump. Muffled yelling could be heard downstairs as I scrambled open and opened the door a bit to hear what was happening.

"WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU TRYING TO DO?!" Someone deep and unfamiliar screeched.

Uhm... what?

I moved around to the stairs and peeked around the corner, seeing the back of someone at the bottom of it.

"Evan.." The stranger huffed, facepalming... is that Wayne?

"I-Im sorry okay? I just freaked out!" Someone more distant responded which im guessing is Evan.

Wayne grabbed someone by the collar, pulling them toward him.

Yeah thats Evan.

His wide eyes and trembling body made me feel like this wasnt going to end well. Wayne pushed him against a wall, wrapping his hands around his neck. My fists clenched and shook at the sight of this.

"Eyo asshat, the fuck you think youre doing?!" I stood up, the two moving their eyes to me, Evan with relief and Wayne with anger.

"Who are you and why are you in my house?!" He dropped Vanoss who collapsed onto his knees, his arm on the floor, coughing and the other arm rubbing his neck.

"Im Marcel if you must know" I stated, making my way down the steps with clear irritation, moving past him and kneeling infront of Evan who was no longer coughing but trying to catch his breath. "Who in the swven rings of hell gave you the right to touch him like this?"

"I dont know what you mean." He tutted, crossing his arms and turning his head.

"Come on you cant be that dense." I spat, placing a hand on Evans shoulder "Vanoss, where are the others?"

"I dont know.." He mumbled, his eyes moving to me.

"Hey fuck nugget-" I started and looked back to where Wayne was... hes gone. "Well thats one issue gone. Evan can you stand up?"

He weakly nodded, using his trembling arms to stand himself up. He stumbled but I caught him, helping him toward the living room and sitting next to him on the sofa.

"Im gonna message the others" I sighed, he didnt respond but just kept his gaze to the floor, clutching a pillow in his arms.

Well this is far from what I expected when I came to visit. I wanted to spend some time with my friends but looks like im gonna hire a hitman on Wayne instead.

I punched in the message to our gc and immediately got responces.


Basically: Im here with Evan, im guessing that the guy he was with was Wayne and I caught him strangling Vanoss.

Delirious: HE WHAT?!

Nogla: Omw

Panda: ^^^

Terroriser: Wait Marcel youre here? i thought you had that emergancy

Basically: Ill explain later just get your asses over here


And now we play the waiting game..

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