7: Plans and an ex

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Kason was staring at me expectantly, waiting for me to share my story, apparently.

I glanced around the classroom, feeling uncomfortable sharing anything around so many people. "You could have asked for anything as your prize, and you ask for that?"

He only stared at me. "Yes. So, are you going to answer or continue sitting there looking like a fish?"

"First of all, I'm not a fish. Second, I'm not about to talk about my life in the middle of class. Especially to you, of all people."

"You can't back out of this, Rylee. You promised I would win something."

I huffed, crossing my arms. "Fine. I'll tell you the general stuff. Just... not in class."

Kason slowly nodded. "I see. You want to meet outside of school? That's very interesting."

I rolled my eyes. "Don't let your mind run with the implications behind it. Meeting outside of school is required for the project anyway. So, we have all of class to talk about something else. Even though I personally don't even want to talk to you."

"Why not?"

I raised my eyebrows. "Really? You have no idea?"

"Oh, I see." Kason sat up, leaning toward me, and lowered his voice. "You think I'm dangerous, don't you?"

A shiver ran down my spine and I swallowed. "What happens if I say yes?" I asked, keeping my voice low as well.

"Nothing happens. I might be dangerous, but not to you. If you had a reason to worry about yourself around me, you wouldn't have made it out of that warehouse unscathed." His eyes were completely serious. And I could now confirm they were indeed green.

"Then what was that? What I overheard was... I don't even have a word for it."

He half smiled. "I guess I'll tell you all about it when we meet after school today."




"For the project."

I sighed, defeated. "Alright, fine. When and where do we meet?"

Kason checked his phone for a second and then looked back at me. "I'll be... busy up until six. So we'll meet at seven."


"The motel."

I stopped. "The one in the West district? The one where they found those dead crows in one of the mattresses?"

Kason smiled. "That's the one."

"You're crazy."


I was really beginning to wonder if he was actually crazy. "Why there of all places?"

He shrugged. "We'll be left alone guaranteed, for one thing. And I've been living there. It's the easiest spot." He clearly saw my hesitation. "It isn't dangerous, we'll be fine. It's in my territory, we won't run into any problems."

Now I was just confused. "None of that made sense to me. But, if I'm honest, it's made me curious. Okay, we'll meet in front of the motel at seven."

"Not the front. The West side. Trust me."

"Uh, oookaay." I grabbed my drink that I stashed in my back pack and took a big swig. This conversation was somehow tiring me out.

"Give me your number so I can text you if something changes." Kason said, bringing my attention back.

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