16: A drunken night

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My eyes felt like sandpaper. It was very uncomfortable. But the rest of my body was extremely comfortable. It felt like I was floating on a cloud.

I slowly stretched, and in that moment I felt cool sheets under my body and a soft blanket on top of me. I finally forced my eyes open and squinted at my surroundings. I was laying on a gigantic bed in a room with dark wooden walls, nice furniture, and red carpet.

What happened? How did I get here? Where is here?

I sat up, rubbing my eyes, and then looked off to the side. I knew where I was instantly. This was the motel. Specifically, Kason's rooms. He was sitting across the way on the couch talking on the phone. He didn't look happy.

Still confused, I tried to remember what happened to get me here. Oh right. Kason chased me down after I eavesdropped on his little meeting. And then it was all blank from there. Did I pass out?

I looked out the window. It looked like the sun was just going down. So that meant I'd been out for at least a few hours. That didn't make sense. I'd passed out before, and it'd only been for a minute.

"Glad to see you're alive."

I jumped at Kason's voice and turned to see him standing by the bed. "Uh, how did I get here? Did I absolute freak out?"

"Something like that." Kason sat on the edge of the bed. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I'm sorry. I just- I have this thing where my body will shut down when my brain starts getting really... freaked out. I've passed out like this before. I'm sorry for being an annoying drama queen."

"You're not annoying, Rylee. I was just worried. You just suddenly dropped." Kason's eyes met mine, looking... guilty. "I'm sorry about what happened back there. Seriously. I'll always regret that moment."

I suddenly noticed a bandage plastered on the side of his neck. I sat up closer and turned his head so I could see it better. "What happened?"

Kason caught my hand, pushing it down. "Nothing. Just my punishment for not catching the eavesdropper."

My stomach twisted. "Punishment? Why didn't you bring me to him?"

"Like hell I would." Kason snapped. "I would never dare mention your name around one of my bosses, let alone bring you to them."

"Why not?" I questioned, annoyed that he would let himself get hurt just because of me.

"They have already started questioning me about you. You're on the verge of getting involved in this dangerous mess, and I'm doing my damnedest to keep you out of it."


"No buts. You're walking on thin ice, and you don't want it to break."

"If it's so dangerous, why won't you let me help you out of it?" I argued. "I could call the police, you could hide out at my place."

"It isn't that easy, sweetheart." Kason said, shaking his head. "The Black Bands aren't some back street gang. They are an organization, a mafia, if you will. They have officers in their pocket, lawyers, everyone. And I don't know who they have on a leash."

I clenched my hands in frustration. "I just wish I could help. I know you're... attempting to leave, but..."

Kason smiled a little. "But you can't back down from things. I know."

I nodded, feeling strangely happy that he knew that. "So why did you bring me here? I do have a house, you know."

Kason shrugged. "There was no answer at your house, and you weren't awake yet, so I brought you here."

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