17: Marked

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I groaned and shoved my pillow over my head as a headache pierced my skull. Last night was a mistake. Drinking like a maniac wouldn't help anything so why did I do it? Idiot.

I forced myself to sit up enough to shut off my alarm. As I flopped back down, I noticed a glass of water, a bottle of Tylenol, and a small note sitting on my night stand. What in the world?

I grabbed the little note and read it.

'Drunk Rylee is pretty entertaining. Take it easy, sweetheart. You're going to have a hell of a hangover. - Kason'

I froze. I couldn't really remember last night. The last thing I remembered was grabbing the vodka and dancing. The rest was a confusing blur. But clearly Kason was here. So what happened?

I lifted my blankets. Thankfully, I was still fully dressed in my clothes from yesterday, so nothing too drastic happened. But... why was he here? Hopefully he was just bringing me home.

With no intention of going to school today, I buried myself back into bed after taking some pills to calm this raging hangover. Maybe I would avoid getting drunk ever again. Then I could avoid this horrible feeling.

I wasn't aware that I fell back asleep until I woke to the sound of a phone ringing loudly near my head. I groaned and blindly searched for it among my blankets. When I finally found it, I answered without looking at it.

"Hello?" I muttered into the speaker. It was probably really unpleasant for whoever was calling.

"Oh, good. You're alive." Anne's voice responded, sounding relieved.

"Only partially." I muttered. "I gave you this number two days ago, and the first thing you do is call me when I have a world record hangover?"

"You weren't answering my texts, so I called." Anne said, seemingly not caring that she disturbed me. "You were really drinking hard last night and then you vanished. I got worried. What happened?"

I forced myself to sit up, wincing as the bright sun met my eyes. I glanced at my clock. It was past one in the afternoon. "Uh, I'm not exactly sure what happened."

"Did you wake up somewhere random? Do I need to come rescue you?"

"No, Anne, I'm alright. Kason brought me home, I'm in bed right now, I just woke up."

Anne didn't answer for a moment. "He- he brought you home?" She gasped. "I haven't seen him today, are you with him?!"

My cheeks went hot. "No! Geeze, Anne, don't jump to conclusions. He just helped me get home without dying, that's all... I think."

"You think?"

"I don't know! I don't remember much of anything from last night, but based on the signs, he only helped me, okay? Relax."

Anne let out a breath. "Okay, I got it. You've just been kind of off lately. I was concerned."

I smiled slightly. "Thanks, but you don't need to be. I'm alright, okay?"

"I believe you. But if there's ever anything you need, I'm right there. I was just making sure you were fine, but I need to get to class."

"Go learn, baby. I'm going to eat and be lazy."

She laughed. "You do that. See you tomorrow."

"Bye." I closed the phone and tossed it onto the floor. I didn't feel like moving. But I knew I had to. Being a normal person sucked sometimes.

* * *

Why can't I focus? It's like I'm a zombie again. What is with this?

I shook myself, trying to get back into full attention. Yesterday was a nice day off, so why was I so out of it today? I grabbed my desk, like that would help, and focused my full attention on Me. Slater.

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