12: ...What?

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I shot upright, my eyes wide and my skin flushed. I only saw my dark, rather cold, room in front of me. "What?" I finally whispered.

I just had a dream. About Kason. And we didn't talk and chat in the dream. In fact, we didn't do any talking. We just... I covered my face, embarrassed thinking about it even sitting alone in my dark room.

What the hell, brain? Why on earth did you show me such a... steamy dream?

I tossed my blankets off and squinted at my alarm clock. It was just after five in the morning. There was really no point in trying to go back to sleep. So I got in the shower and took my sweet time. I did my best not to think about the dream I just had, but it was nearly impossible not to.

I couldn't believe how realistic the dream was. And it was still so clear in my head. Great. I'll just pretend I didn't have that dream.

I wasn't going to tell anyone about it. I didn't need that embarrassment.

* * *

I was nearly to my locker when I spotted Jacob just down the hall looking at his phone. It was time I confronted him.

He looked up as I approached. "Oh hey, Rylee, right?"

"That's right." I crossed my arms as I planted myself in front of him. "I heard you were asking about me. Why?"

Jacob tucked his phone into his pocket, smiling. "You just sparked my interest. And I didn't know how to find you, so I started asking questions. Seems I got your attention."

I fished for a reply, but was kind of coming up short. What? "Well, if you're so curious, why don't you ask me?"

"Alright. Why does it seem like everyone knows you but doesn't actually know anything about you?"

That was a rather personal question, wasn't it? "I'm just a private person, that's all."

"I see."

"You don't have a Boston accent. I thought you said that's where you came from."

"It is. But I used to live here. I came back." Jacob shrugged. "Before, nothing here was interesting. But now you're here."

I raised my eyebrows. "Is this an attempt at flirting?"

"Is it working?"

"Not really. You had a rough start."

Jacob tilted his head. "Are you offering me a second chance?"

I snorted. "Second chance? For what?"

"For a good impression. I'm sure me asking about you seemed rather... creepy."

"Well, at least you're aware."

He offered me a charming smile. "So is that a yes?"

I shrugged. "If it makes you feel better, sure." I stepped back. "I need to get to class. See you around."

"Bye, Rylee."

I didn't bother stopping at my locker as I could still feel Jacob's gaze on me. I had no idea how to feel about that guy. He was nice and charming, and all over normal. But there was something... off about him. I couldn't put my finger on it. But I was curious, if I was honest. I would keep an eye on him for sure.

Anne appeared at my side as she always did on the way to Literature. "Hey. I saw you talking to that new guy. What did he want?"

I shrugged. "I guess him asking about me was to get my attention. It worked."

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