21: A shot in the dark- Kason's POV

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I wasn't so sure this was going to work.

Jay and Jared had reported to me the moment Rylee was taken, and after I got my anger under control, I tried finding out where she was taken. But I didn't have to find her.

Jacob, the sick bastard, rubbed it in my face that he had Rylee and gave me a six hour time limit to come by with a bargain to set her free. I knew he wouldn't let her go. He never let go of a product. So I came up with a rough plan in the little amount of time I had.

I arrived at the warehouse that used to be the base of operations for The Black Bands just after midnight. Why Jacob decided to meet there, I didn't know. It wasn't in his territory, but maybe that's why he chose it. I was on high alert, knowing he liked to pull tricks. The fact I didn't know if this little plan of mine would work didn't help much either. But no matter what, I was going to get Rylee out.

Jared and Jay had already made their way here to break Dimitri out. After they did that, the plan was for them to crash this little meeting and cause enough confusion to get them all out. It was hardly a plan, but it was something, at the very least.

Jacob's favorite minions were posted outside of the warehouse and they, wisely, searched me for weapons. I didn't bother bringing any for once because it would be pointless. Jacob was careful when it came to his own safety. At least he was smart and that. If he didn't take these precautions, I wouldn't have hesitated to kill him.

All day I could only see one thing in my head: Rylee waking up and smiling at the fact it was raining this morning. In that moment I didn't feel restless and out of place for the first time in my life. I felt relaxed and... happy with her there next to me. A person had never made me feel anywhere close to that before. And Jacob had her in his filthy hands. It made me murderous, to put it lightly.

I followed Derek, one of the men above my rank, through the old building to the main room on the second floor. It took everything in my power to keep myself from killing Jacob the moment I saw him standing in that room.

"Kason, I was almost worried you wouldn't show up."

I'd always hated this snake. His neck tattoo matched him well. "You knew I'd be here." I answered sharply.

Jacob shrugged. "I guess I did. But that's beside the point. I have something you want, and you've come to trade, correct?"

My plan had a very low chance of succeeding, so I came prepared for the worst. "Rylee doesn't need to live in this hell you've created. She goes free. I'll be under your command forever, and I'll do whatever you want me to do. No objections." I already listened to him as it was, but in doing this, I was giving up what little freedom and rights I had. It was worth it if Rylee wasn't touched by anyone in the Black Bands.

Jacob crossed his arms, clearly pretending to consider my offer. "I think we ought to invite Rylee in here. Don't you?" He motioned to Derek and Jodie. "Go get her, would you?"

I hated how formal and charming he always sounded. It was the most annoying cover that hid his true ugly nature. "Why bring her here? Take this offer and just let her go."

Jacob held his hand up. "We wait for the girl. She's worth it, wouldn't you say?"

I imagined myself tearing his throat out. It made me feel a bit better.

The door at the back opened and the two men came back in, holding Rylee between them with a bag on her head.

My full attention was immediately on her as I scanned her for any injuries. Thankfully, she looked fine expect for the mud all over her front.

The men forced her to her knees. "Hey! Assholes." Rylee growled.

I felt the smallest spark of relief. That was the fiery spirit I knew.

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