chapter twelve

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Lyra's POV

When I woke up I felt numb, and lonely. My friends refused to talk to me, even my brother wouldn't look at me.

I refused to speak to Draco. After all, he did use me.

I sat alone at dinner, I sat alone in class, I sat alone in the common room and I sat alone in Umbridge's tortuous detentions.

To make matters worse Draco had been spending a lot of time with Pansy and they were becoming inseparable.

Pansy has always been horrible to me and the rest of Gryffindor, I'm sure she was a part of Draco's little plan.


Draco's POV

I didn't want to snitch on Lyra but I had to, my father was getting more and more impatient at the ministry and he has made me do it.

I had no intention of speaking to Lyra before he instructed me to get to know her. Not because I didn't find her interesting, mostly because talking to her made me nervous. I didn't stop Blaise from doing what he was going to do for nothing and when I kissed her, I meant it. I did it because I have this inkling to protect her and I failed. I let my father manipulate me, as usual.

All of her friends had abandoned her and I felt a significant amount of guilt fall on my shoulders. She also had to attend a ton of detentions and I knew how cruel Umbridge could be especially, to those who broke the rules.

And just as I thought thing couldn't get worse Pansy Parkinson started to tag along with me everywhere. She was like a little puppy, always seeming lost. She trailed along and now she seemed to think we were dating.

For some reason, I had never thought about dating any of the Slytherins in my year. Deep down I have always dreaded leaving Hogwarts, because afterwards I would have to be married of to some other Pureblood.

I never get to choose and all I want is to have that freedom. The freedom to choose. That way, I would have had the option to choose Lyra.

She sat alone everywhere she went. I hadn't heard her even mutter a word since I told Umbridge about Dumbledore's Army.

"Malfoy and Edwards" Professor Snape looked between us, "you two will be partners."

I saw her roll her eyes and pick up her books to come and sit next to me. "Hey" I said as she sat down, she didn't even acknowledge me. "I didn't want to turn you in" I whispered to her while opening the textbook to the correct page.

"Really! You're going to play victim now? You lied to me. You used me. You kissed me. Was any of it even real?" She whisper-shouted at me. "Yes."

"Ok then Draco, when did you start pretending!" she spat, her eyebrows furring together.

"Never. I only told you that so you wouldn't keep talking to me." She rolled her eyes and let out and exasperated sigh. "Well then you succeeded" she snapped shut the textbook.

"I'm not doing this!" She called out as she went to leave the classroom "Not with him!"


Lyra's POV

"Detention" called out Snape as I angrily stomped down the corridor. I went to the only place I could think of quickly, The Astronomy Tower.

I nearly tripped walking up the stone steps. I sat down in the same spot I sat with Draco that night. I hadn't really had a moment to think about what I had learned about my family. I knew the truth but it didn't feel like I did.

I felt a presence loom over me and I turn around to see Draco. "You know that you're the reason I left" I attempt to stand up but he pulls me back down again. "I'm sorry" he says, his beautiful grey eyes staring into my green ones.

"That's not going to cut it" I reject his apology. "I know that you're going through a lot"

"You have no idea what I'm going through!" I screamed at him and I stood up to get a better look at him. "You - have - no - idea" I stuttered, tears welling up in my eyes.

"Then tell me." He whispers softly. I shook my head. "Tell me." He repeats stepping closer to me.

"Every time I feel something, like if I feel angry- I feel it three times as bad. I want to do things to people that I never used to. I feel - I feel just malevolent. I feel evil." I stepped back and I hit the wall. I slumped to the floor, tears flowing from my eyes.

Draco stood up and moved to sit next me. "I know what it's like to feel evil" he said under his breath. I let him put his arm around me and we sat there for what felt like hours.

"I really am sorry" he said after a while, I shrugged and bit my lip. "I have bigger problems than Harry Potter not talking to me" we both chuckled.

Then he stood up and reached out his hand "Friends?" I smiled and took his hand "Friends" I agreed, for now anyway.


I walked into the common room and saw Harry. He had clearly spotted me as well because he stood up to move. "You can't ignore me forever" I said, moving to block the entrance to the room.

"Oh yeah, watch me" he snaps back sassily, whilst trying to push past. "I'm the only one who knows what you're going through. I'm the only one who knows what it's like to have Voldemort in their head." I raise an eyebrow and whisper "And I'm family." I step out of the entrance and let him out.

He scowls at me and says "No family of mine hangs around Malfoy" he pushes past me unnecessarily.

That went well, I think to myself. Harry has no business in who I hang out with and he doesn't understand. He never understands.



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Mibby <3

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