Don't Be Scared

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When Adonis returned back to bed, Bria was still awake watching the Simpsons but her eyes were low, he knew she'd be fast asleep soon. After climbing into bed, he watched her reposition herself so that she could be in his comforting hold. Adonis wrapped her arms around her, pulling her in closer as he gently caressed her back and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead.

"I love you baby." Bria mumbled into his chest.

"I love you too." He reassured her.

Content with the way things were, Adonis and Bria slowly drifted off into sleep knowing that she would be okay.

The following morning, Bria was the first to wake up so she decided to get herself dressed and ready for the day before Yara would wake up needing her. As she wrapped up her morning routine, she took out her meds from her travel case and held up an antidepressant pill hesitant to take it. She decided not to take it, to see how things would go today if she acted on her own without the help of western medicine. She packed up her things and placed her small pill bottle in the medicine cabinet before leaving to tend to her baby.

Adonis was still asleep and snoring loudly, when she walked back into their bedroom which was odd because he was usually the first one up but she figured he needed the rest so she let him be. When she reached Yara's room, she was up and teething on her hand on her crib.

"Hey baby," Bria smiled, bending over into the crib to pick her up.

The smell of Yara's diaper greeted her before Yara did.

"Woo, oh you need to be changed Mrs thang." Bria chuckles. talking to her infant child as if she could respond.

Yara cooed in her arms as she was being placed on the changing table so she could be cleaned. After cleaning her, Bria drew Yara a bath in the sink and got her ready for the day.


When Adonis finally woke up, he first patted Bria's side of the bed with his eyes closed and opened his eyes when he felt that her side of the bed was cold. She wasn't there. He pinched the bridge of his nose, rubbing away the sleep from his eyes. Once his eyes were open, he reached on the nightstand to grab his phone to check the time, it was 10:25am.

"Shit." He hissed , he overslept.

He sighed, scrolling through his social media feed on Instagram. The first post that he saw was a post from Bria of a picture of him , Bria and Yara standing in the living room smiling. In the caption she wrote, "Home for the next month, with my champion @AdonisCreed and our babygirl. Thanks for the look out @LukeBrian "

Adonis smiled, captioning underneath before reposting the photo on his Instagram story : Probably gonna be a mom of two at the end of vacation @BriaStevens

He chuckled to himself, shutting his phone off to get ready for his day ahead.

When Adonis had walked into the kitchen, Bria smiled as she stood over the stove making French Toast while Yara sat in her high chair, playing with her sippy cup. He walked over to Yara who was in her own little world, and smothered her with kisses. The baby smiled widely revealing her dimples and toothless smile.

"How's daddy's two favorite girls?" He smiled, picking up her bib to dab a couple of droplets of drool dry from her mouth.

"Ba ba ba ba," Yara responded as if she could talk back to her dad.

Bria smiled, chuckling at her baby girl.

She then turns around with the spatula in her hand to watch the two interact with each other with a smile on her face before returning her attention back to the food on the stove.

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