Chapter 1

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As all the Naruto fans know, Naruto had jumped into battle and won. But this time i will add Boruto and see what happens. Let the story begin!!

Boruto went into the Hokage's office to give his dad something.

Naruto: Come in. 

Boruto comes in.

Naruto: Oh, Boruto. What do you need?

Boruto: Hey, dad. Mom told me to give you this.

Boruto gives Naruto a letter.

Naruto: Oh, thank you.

Boruto: Hey, dad?

Naruto: What is it?

Shikamaru then comes in.

Shikamaru: Lord Seventh, you have a meeting.

Naruto: Ok, sorry Boruto, we'll talk later.

Naruto then notices that Boruto is gone.

Meanwhile with Boruto

Boruto was walking home.

Boruto's thoughts: What was I thinking? He doesn't even have time to spend with his own family!

Boruto then stops.

Boruto's thoughts: Why does my dad have to be the Hokage?

Boruto then reached his house and went inside.

Himawari: Mom, big brothers back! 

Himawari then give Boruto a hug.

Himawari: Welcome back, big brother.

Boruto: Thanks, Himawari.

Hinata sees that something is wrong with Boruto.

Boruto: Hey, mom, I'm not that hungry, so I think I'll just skip dinner for today.

Hinata: Ok

Boruto then walks up to his room.

Meanwhile with Naruto.

Naruto: So, what's this meeting about?

Gaara: I had been attacked by what I believe is to be an, Otsutsuki.

Naruto: What?! That's impossible, another Otsutsuki. This is bad.

Choujuro: Indeed. We have to get our shinobi ready for battle.

Naruto: No, the last thing I want is to have another war like the last one.

Kurotsuchi: We have to do our best to keep the peace, as the 5 Kage's we are.

They all agreed. The meeting was now over.

Naruto: *gasp* Boruto.

Naruto then runs to get a gift to say that he sorry for Boruto. He then realized that he doesn't know what he likes.

Naruto's thoughts: I failed you.......Boruto.

On the Moon.

Toneri Otsutsuki tried to stop Urashinki Otsutsuki from going to the Earth the get the Tailed Beasts.

Toneri: What are you doing here, Urashinki?

Urashinki: Well, what do think, I'm here to ask you to join me on taking the Tailed Beasts from the humans.

Toneri: Sorry, but no. If you plan on doing that, then I have no choice but to kill you.

Toneri then runs towards to Urashinki, but Toneri got stabbed by Urashinki's blade.

Urashinki: *chuckles evilly* I knew you were going to try and kill me. So, I stabbed you, which will make you stay still.

Urashinki then froze Toneri.

Toneri: A time freeze?!

Urashinki: That right, enjoy being frozen for the next 3000 years.

Toneri: No! Wait! Stop!

Urashinki then went to Earth.

Alright first chapter is out. Woo hoo!! I'm glad to write my own story.


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