Prom (J-Hope)

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I can't.... I wanna go home already huhuhu...

I looked at the wall clock here in the room, 30 minutes left and classes are over. I just wanna lay in bed and watch Youtube. Why does school makes our lives complicated?

"So that's the end of our lesson, any questions?" Oh wow, that discussion was fast! I smiled because I know we will be dismissed early. No one answered so our teacher started talking again.

"Okay no questions. Before you get your freedom, I'm reminding you of your prom this coming Friday. You should get ready with your attires, practice the waltz and obviously find a partner. If ever someone has no partner here, you can talk with the other section and just find a partner there. That is all, class dismissed." she left the room and everyone began talking.

Oh shit. Prom is in 2 days. I haven't even found a partner yet. *sigh* Can I just not attend the prom?

Instead of thinking about the prom, I remembered that I had to watch some K-dramas. UwU, can I finish a drama in one night?

I was walking my way out of this school, thinking of a drama to watch when someone blocked me, and it was J-hope.

"Hey!" I just stared at him. Gosh, I have to avoid him. 

I avoided him and started walking again when he grabbed me and practically started pulling me to the school gate. Please, I don't wanna be him now.

"Prom is in 2 days. Be my partner." he said as soon as we reached the gate. I pulled my hand away from him.


"Why not? We can practice together." he smiled. No please, I don't wanna fall in love with his smile.

"I said no..."

"Do you have a partner already? Who is it?" I looked down. 

"C'mon. Are you avoiding me?" he lowered his face to the same height as me. His face was so close and his eyes were practically melting me inside. I love his stares even though I don't show him. 

"I'm not..."

"Then you are my partner! No excuses! Let's go practice then." Once again, he pulled me. I didn't do anything to stop him because he'll basically pull me again.

He's hands on mine was nerve wracking... but somehow, I liked it. 


"OOOOHHH!!! I knew it!" we just entered the dance practice room of the school when J-hope's friends started shouting. I just raised my eyebrows in confusion. It was weird and awkward...

"Y/N, I thought you rejected J-hope already? hahahaha." Here they are again. They've been bugging me ever since J-hope asked to court me but I... I rejected him. I didn't know what I was thinking during those days but J-hope just never stopped following me around. He bothers even though I push him away. It's not like I hate him, it's just that... I've never been in a relationship.

"Sssshhhh, were just partners for the prom. No malice at all." J-hope pulled me away from his friends. 

"There's obviously something going on between you guys!" I heard them shout from behind. When will they stop bothering me--- I mean us.

It was awkward because knowing J-hope, he's a great dancer. Knowing myself, I can't even do an wave, meaning I'm no dancer. I sigh again as I thought about my K-drama night that was suppose to be today. When will I have my time with my Korean husbands?

Anyways, J-hope started teaching me stuff. It was waltz and it isn't as hard as other dances like Hiphop or something. I'm smart but when it comes to physical activities, I get so dumb.

Practice went on with me just... messing up. I get the steps wrong, I get the counting wrong, and everytime I mess up, J-hope just chuckles and that embarrasses me. Thinking about it, I wonder why he even thought of courting a girl like me. 

"We can stop here I guess. We still have tomorrow anyways." he said and looks into the mirror, fixing his bangs. So handsome... fvck.

"S-sure. I'll go home then." I said and grabbed my bag. I just wanna, go home. 

On my way home, I remembered that I need to look for a dress for the prom. Aish, I guess I have dresses in my closet right? 

Days passed and eventually, Friday came. Yesterday during practice, I was shocked as to J-hope handed me a bag, and it has a dress in it. I can still remember how that happened.

"See you tomorrow then, I guess." I said and was about to go out when,

"Wait Y/N." the way he said my name, I liked it...

He handed me a bag. Is this a gift? 

I just accepted it and peeked. It was a dress, a black one.

"I want us to have paired outfits. And... you'll look great in black. I might just fall in love even more."

That was a reason I stayed up all night, thinking. Please J-hope, I don't wanna fall in love.

Time passed and it was time for dancing, the dance we have been practicing all afternoon.

"You look beautiful as always. Can we dance?" Seriously, he's said that for the 3rd time today. I feel butterflies in my stomach everytime he says I'm beautiful.

People gathered and started dancing. Me? My heart is beating so freaking fast. I don't know even know the reason...

J-hope placed his arms on my waist and I placed mine on his shoulder. Our other hand were... intertwined. The typical "romantic dance". I gulped when he started moving. I'm so nervous, I'm starting to forget the steps. Why am I even acting this way infront of him? He chuckles.

"Why so nervous Y/N? Any problem?" I can't even manage to look up at him. He wasn't too tall but is still is taller than me. I don't know what to say, my problem was my heart. It's beating too fast because of me being nervous and some romantic excitement...

He bowed a little making his face the same height as mine, and this time, I was looking into his eyes. *dug dug* *dug dug*

"Do you hate me?"


I immediately shook my head. 

"Why would you think that..."

"I feel like you're ignoring me, for some reason." his voice was sad, and I felt it. I hate that. J-hope is a jolly guy. He brightens everyone's lives, and I like that about him. 

"I like you okay? That's my problem." I don't know how and why those words just came out of my mouth. Did I really just say that?

He remained silent for a while. That made me thought that I should've not said that.

"I mean---"

"Why is it a problem? I like you too okay, a lot."

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