Watch as she stands with her holding your hand

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I really like you, Y/n.

I really like you, Y/n, I just . . .

What was he going to say? I just. . . can't love you.

I just. . . don't love you.

I really like you, Y/n, I just don't love you.

I just don't love you.



"Y/N! Goddammit, wake the fuck up!"

My head jerked up, and I found Wilbur standing in front of me, arms crossed, a look of mixed annoyance and sympathy on his face.

His voice lowered. "I get what you're going through, I really do, but you've literally been catatonic for the last three weeks, and it's getting... disturbing."

Pulling the bracelet from my bedside table I tossed it rhythmically between my hands and glanced away, not answering.

There was nothing to say.

My phone suddenly buzzed, and we both glanced at it in surprise; I hadn't gotten many texts since things had ended with Clay, and besides Wilbur, I didn't have any other close friends.

When I didn't make a move for the phone, Wilbur sent me an exasperated look before grabbing it himself.

He coughs and grips tightly around the phone, "It's... Clay." He said slowly, looking up from the screen to glance back at me. "Y/n, you... kept his number?"

I didn't respond, because of course I did. of course I kept his number. I didn't have the heart to delete it, no matter how much I hated myself for being so soft, no matter how much it felt like I'd been kicked in the chest every time I unlocked my phone and saw Clay's profile picture.

Wilbur shook his head, pity and sadness in his expression. "You gotta let him go, Y/n/n."

I closed my eyes. You gotta let him go. But I couldn't. That was just the thing; I couldn't let him go and it was killing me.

Wilbur took a slow breath before reading his text. "He says he wants to meet you. To tell you something."

My eyes flew open, and I couldn't stop myself from blurting, "What?"

"Don't you dare go out and meet him." Wilbur snapped. "The dickhead's caused you enough grief already."

"But what if he-"

"Yeah, but what if he doesn't?" Wilbur cut in. "You'll be even more broken than before."

Before I could say any more, he was typing something back to him, sending it too quickly for me to stop him.

"Wilbur, what the hell?!" I snapped, reaching for my phone. "Give it back."

Maybe I could delete the text before Clay saw it.

But as I finally wrestled the phone from Wilbur's grasp, my eyes fell on the screen and my stomach dropped as I read the chain of texts.

Clay: hey, i was wondering if we could meet
up somewhere?

Clay: i need to tell you something

Y/n: whatever you want to say,
you can say it now.

I blanched; I couldn't delete the text now that Clay had already read it, and he was typing his response, which seemed to be taking a long time, as if he was typing and then deleting and then typing something else. "Shit, Wilbur-"

"You're welcome." Wilbur interrupted.

My heart was racing as I stared at the three gray dots, the ones that signaled Clay's response was still being drafted. Shit. I never should have let Wilbur take my phone, never should have-

Clay: i'm seeing someone.

Wilbur swore under his breath, but I barely heard it.

I'm seeing someone.

Three simple words, but they had taken Clay so long to type. Three simple words, but it felt like someone had knocked the wind out of my lungs.

Wilbur grabbed my phone again, but I barely noticed as he answered him.

Y/n: who?

I didn't want to know. Maybe I would never want to know, but Wilbur read his response aloud before I could tell him not to and I couldn't breathe. Couldn't breathe as he said the name, even though I'd seen it coming. I'd seen it coming a long time ago, which somehow made it that much worse.


𝙃𝙚𝙖𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧 𝘼𝙐 , dreamwastaken+wilbursoot ✔Where stories live. Discover now