I'm not even half as pretty

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I rolled my eyes, throwing a sour coated gummy worm at the curly headed boy, Wilbur caught it in his mouth with ease.

"Show off." I muttered to myself, rolling my eyes when he simply laughed and pulled me closer to him.

"You love it." It fell silent after that, but it wasn't an uncomfortable silence. It was very comfortable actually, scrolling through my instagram while eating a gummy worm every few minutes while the boy I was snuggled up with watched me with pure adoration.

I looked up at him for a few moments and laughed, a slight blush appearing on my cheeks "What?" I asked, smiling up at him, he really knew how to lift my mood. Only hours ago was I at Clay's house.

"Can I kiss you?" He blurted out, his gaze flickering between my eyes and lips. I bit my lip and stared at him in shock.

"W-why do you want to kiss me?" I asked quietly, causing Wilbur to frown slightly and tilt his head "I- um. Because I like you?" He questioned and I scooted away from him.

"But it's not like I'm pretty or anything. I'm just average." I assured him and he rolled his eyes

"You'll never just be average." He assured me.

"I've already been kissed early this morning..." I mumbled quietly enough for just my ears to hear.

He frowned, grabbing my chin and making me look at him, "You don't need to be like George or even Niki. Because I don't want that, I want you. Clay's a fucking dumbass for letting you go." He cooed softly, causing me to gush slightly.

"Thank you." I looked down to my lap, taking a deep breath before quickly pecking him on the lips, causing the both of us to blush a bright red and smile awkwardly at each other.

He took my face into his hands and pressed his lips to me again, this time for a longer yet sweeter kiss than the previous one.

That's two kisses in the span of five hours. I liked this one much more.

The door bell rang and Wilbur abruptly got up to answer it. "I'll get it!"

I heard him thump down stairs and the creaking of the door echoed up to my ears. It was quiet, hushed voices bickered and got louder and louder.

If the shouts were visible they'd be reaching over the air, strangling the life from me. As the words got more bitter it would be possible to see why I gasped for breath.

I swallowed and raced down stairs, figuring out who was at the door in an instant.

Stopping at the bottom of the stairs to watch over Wilburs shoulder, he was yelling at Clay, who stood idly on the front porch. They were almost the same height, Wilbur being just that little bit taller. I felt guilty, so goddamned guilty, but I didn't know how to fix it.

I went up to Wilbur attempting to remain calm and push him aside. He was yelling meaningless insults at Clay.

Passersby glanced at my house, drawn with curiosity to the shouts from the front porch. It wasn't merely a raised voice, there was a seething behind it.

When he turned at last to face me there was no trace of tears, not in his eyes or in track marks on his reddening face. His eyes were narrowed, rigid, cold, hard. In that moment I knew he was already far away.

I drew in a deep breath,"Wilbur. Go upstairs. Now." The burning hard stare would last only as long as it took him to think of the most brutally cutting thing he could tear Clay down with.

He hesitated, grabbing my hand to calm himself down before reluctantly making his way back upstairs.

I turned back to the open door, that still held the tension from Wilburs yells. Clay was waiting there, he took all of that like a champ. My breath caught in my throat, and for a moment, I considered just leaving him there and shutting the door in his face. I couldn't look at him, couldn't deal with him right now.

But he finally looked up into my eyes, his sad green eyes catching mine, and I knew I couldn't walk away.

"Uh... hey." He said after a long stretch of silence.

I didn't answer.

"I just wanted to... apologise" He went on, and cleared his throat. "For last night."

I step back and look off to the wall, "I'm sorry about Wilbur."

"It's alright. I want to thank you - for taking me home." He continued. "And I'm really sorry for putting you in that position."

I watched him, unsure of what he meant. I'm really sorry for putting you in that position - was he talking about forcing me to take him home?

Or was he talking about the kiss?

"It's fine." I said, unsure myself of which I was talking about. "It's alright. As long as you're okay."

Clay gave a slight smile. "Thank you again." He said. "And I hope you at least managed to have some fun at the party."

"It was great." I lied, forcing myself to smile back. I wanted to ask where George had been, but it felt wrong, somehow.

"I should probably go now." He said after another moment of silence. "Thanks - thank you. For everything."

I nodded, wanting him to leave before Wilbur gets back; I couldn't look at him any longer.

He didn't remember the kiss.

And though I knew it was selfish of me, shitty of me, though I knew it wasn't real, that - that was what hurt the most.

𝙃𝙚𝙖𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧 𝘼𝙐 , dreamwastaken+wilbursoot ✔Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora