But how could I hate her

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I wanted to hate him.

God, I wanted to, so badly; it would make everything so much easier, so much simpler, but I couldn't. How could I?

No one is perfect, and anyone who says they are is deluding themselves. I know myself better than anyone else knows me, and I know my imperfections. I may not like them, but I've come to accept they're a part of who I am.

I wouldn't be me without them, and so that makes them easier to stomach. Not being perfect shouldn't be a curse, it shouldn't be an issue, and it's shouldn't be anything to be ashamed of. It's simply a sign that I'm just as human as everyone else.

So why was he different?

I paused on the sidewalk outside the window to the café he still worked at, watching him at the counter, his smile genuine, his deep brown eyes, warm. Everyone liked him, and why shouldn't they? There was nothing wrong with him. He was the model student, the model friend and yet there was nothing fake about him and that was something almost impossible to achieve.

It's hard to hate someone so nice.

George, George

I wish I was you.

𝙃𝙚𝙖𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧 𝘼𝙐 , dreamwastaken+wilbursoot ✔Where stories live. Discover now