Put your arm 'round her shoulder

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They seemed so happy.

It had been nearly a month since Clay had told me he was dating George, nearly a month since I'd driven to his house and left his sweater on the porch.

Nearly a month, and I still couldn't let him go.

Sitting in the corner of the room, my knees pulled to my chest as I watched everyone around me talking and having fun.

I didn't even know why I decided to come to this party. It was a spontaneous decision but I regretted it deeply.

I watched as the people around me moved quickly, but to me they moved painfully slow.

I was so deep into my people watching that I didn't even notice when the boy sat next to me "Hey... why you sitting alone?" he questioned and I turned to face him, startled.

"Uh. Wilbur. I thought you weren't coming?" I questioned after recognising his face.

Shuffling closer he shook his head, pausing briefly before opening his mouth to speak "I was worried about you, but if you want me to go, I will." He spoke softly as if he'd scare me away.

"Do you want to dance?" I proposed, already standing up and reaching my hand out for him to take.

"Oh, no, no. I don't dance." He scooted away from me in protest.

Ignoring him as I pulled him to his feet and dragged him to where everyone was dancing. "Neither do they." I pointed out and Wilbur looked around, noticing that literally nobody was even decent at dancing.

"Alright fine, just one song." He gave in, my frown breaking out into a soft smile.

But then I saw it, him. He was snuggled up to George as they talked to a small group of people.

My smile instantly wiped off my face, which Wilbur noticed "Hey, everything oka-" he asked and I cut him off by dropping his hand.

"I'm going home. I feel sick." I pushed my shoulder gently against his, mentally cursing because he was built like a brick wall.

I started to walk outside, but as soon as I got out the door he grabbed my wrist and spun me around to face him "Do you want a ride? It's kinda cold and I don't think you shoul-" He expressed his concern.

"No, I'll be okay Wilbur, I just need some fresh air. I'm sober, I can drive home. Thanks." I spoke calmly keeping up the façade.

He stood there with a frown on his face as he watched me turn and walk briskly out to a small park. Quickly making up his mind to follow behind me in his car to ensure I got home safely.

Rushing away, feeling like I was straight out of a sob story movie, I fell against the nearest tree and sunk down into the earth.

This park was surprisingly familiar to me I often came to this park and sat against this tree. Part of me thought it was cruel that Clay had unintentionally followed me out. Staring at them where they were sitting on a bench together. I wasn't sure if it would be worse if he remembered that I always came here, or if he'd just forgotten and come here by coincidence.

As far as I knew, they hadn't noticed me yet, and as they spoke and laughed and smiled shyly, George's short dark hair in the sunlight, Clay's green eyes visible even from here. Shit. I couldn't watch them, I couldn't watch them anymore; they seemed so perfect together, so easy, so fucking . . . happy.

And I knew I shouldn't, knew I had to let him go, but as I watched Clay put his arm around George's shoulder, watched George lean his head against Clay's, I couldn't help but wonder if Clay was as happy when he'd been with me.

𝙃𝙚𝙖𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧 𝘼𝙐 , dreamwastaken+wilbursoot ✔Where stories live. Discover now