Chapter 1

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''Zhao Yunlan!''

''Huh?'' Zhao Yunlan stirred in his sleep to hear that voice and also to see that place which looks alike a dragon tomb whereas a lot of dragon statues in there.

''Zhao Yunlan!'' that voice called again.

''Who are you?'' Zhao Yunlan asked to that voice.

''Come to that place, Zhao Yunlan. I am waiting for you! They are waiting for you to come back,'' that voice said again.

''Who are you and who are they?'' Zhao Yunlan asked again.

''The mate of your dragon's mark,'' that voice told and suddenly the dragon's mark on Zhao Yunlan's chest shines brightly, almost tearing his skin caused him immediately tears his shirt to see that golden dragon's mark is appearing on his chest.

''Aarrghhhh!!!'' Zhao Yunlan screamed for the pain, alerting Da Qing that sleeping in the room in their apartment.

Da Qing dashed to the bedroom of Zhao Yunlan and called his friend that just woke up from the sleep while holding the chest. Da Qing saw that shining golden mark on Zhao Yunlan's chest. Zhao Yunlan keeps screaming for the pain he feels while removing his tearing shirt to see that painful shining. Now they both can see the golden dragon's mark is appearing and shining more bright on Zhao Yunlan's chest.

''What's that, Yunlan?'' Da Qing asked with his curiosity.

''I don't know. A girl voice called me to go to that place with a lot of dragon statues and she said she the mate of dragon's mark called me to there. And then, I feel this painfully mark on my chest. It's burning my skin, Da Qing,'' Zhao Yunlan whined while staring on his chest that now still shine.

Unknowingly to Zhao Yunlan, there is another person who also feels the same and now the white dragon's mark is shining brightly on his chest, made him screams suddenly for the pain and he lost his cup of hot tea from his hand, earning the loud glass breaking on the floor. His fatty friend hurriedly comes to him in the working room as his friend thought he is sick for his internal fibriosis lung cancer.

''Wu Xie! Are you in pain?'' that fatty friend asked with worry.

Wu Xie nods but not the pain that fatty friend mentioned.

''Not my lung, but my chest, Pangzhi!'' Wu Xie told and that alerted to Pangzhi about the shining mark on Wu Xie's chest as Wu Xie tore the shirt he wore.

''What is that? It's look alike a white dragon's mark!'' Pangzhi stated as he saw that mark.

''It's hurt too much! It's burning my skin!'' Wu Xie whined while holding on that mark on his chest.

''Why it's shining on your chest, Tiantian?'' Pangzhi curiously asked with Wu Xie's nickname in his friendship.

''I don't know, Pang! I never have this mark before. It just appeared now,'' Wu Xie also replied with the nickname of Pangzhi in their friend relationship.

''It's the protector mark for the black dragon named Shen Wei, the mate of dragon lord named Kunlun. How can you have that, Wu Xie?'' another friend comes and asked.

''Kylin, you know this mark?'' Pangzhi asked to his friend.

Kylin nods. Kylin or real name Zhang Qiling and usually they both called him as Xiaoge because of his age is really older than they both for centuries age.

''But it's supposedly was already gone about 10,000 years ago when Yezhun, the owner of that white dragon was dead. How can it is appeared now and with you, Wu Xie?'' Kylin told but still curious of that white dragon's mark on Wu Xie's chest.

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