Chapter 13

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Zhao Yunlan carries the injured Shen Wei to the gate of ancient world as he heard the voice of his baby through his mind. Yilong asked him to bring his mommy out of that place and finds Shen Nong's bowl of medicine as requested by Zhang Dannie before this. Zhao Yunlan said sorry to his baby to leave his baby now before his baby gets the king position in the ancient world.

'Yilong, take care of yourself! I will update to you about your mommy. I left your uncle at there for now with his teammates and my staffs too. They will help you and those fairies with anything. Please let Zhang Dannie heals your uncle's injured teammates. And I will be coming back with your mommy and Da Qing when your mommy fine back,' Zhao Yunlan telepathic to his baby as Da Qing drives away from the gate of the ancient world.

Only Da Qing followed Zhao Yunlan and Shen Wei to go back to the modern world for now. The others are left at there for the treatment and also to make Yilong as the new king in that world. Since Shen Wei's injury can't be healed by Zhang Dannie like the others, so Zhao Yunlan needs to find the bowl of medicine to treat on Shen Wei's injury.

''Yun...lan... cold...'' Shen Wei whined as her body keeps freezing through the way to the Dragon City.

''Da Qing, slow down the air conditioner!'' Zhao Yunlan ordered from the backseat and he wraps his jacket on the freezing body of Shen Wei.

''Let your fire heats her body, Yunlan!'' Da Qing suggested from the driving seat.

Zhao Yunlan hurriedly releases his fire on Shen Wei's freezing body and slowly Shen Wei feels warm back but hours later, her body is freezing again since her ice power keeps leaking from her uncontrollable condition because of her injury on her heart which her own ice making her body to be freezing now. Zhao Yunlan can't see his mate is freezing and in pain like that. He removes his clothes and he leans at the side of Shen Wei, ignoring Da Qing that gazing from the front seat.

''Don't look at us at the back, Da Qing!'' Zhao Yunlan ordered with a warning made Da Qing nods understand while swallowing hard to gaze the condition of them.

Da Qing saw Zhao Yunlan rolls up Shen Wei's ancient clothes and he keeps warming up Shen Wei's freezing body with his fire that surrounding his own body like a bonfire.

''Is it still cold, Xiao Wei?'' Zhao Yunlan asked with worry.

Shen Wei weakly shakes her head as Zhao Yunlan embraces her body like a glue. Shen Wei is warm through the remaining hours of their journey to the Dragon City. As they arrived at Mr. Zhao's house, Zhao Yunlan hurriedly carries Shen Wei into the house while Da Qing is following from behind. Mr. Zhao is shocked to see Zhao Yunlan and Da Qing are back with the injured girl. But then, Bowl suddenly took over his body before he can ask to Zhao Yunlan or Da Qing for who is that injured girl with the ancient costume clothes.

''Shen Wei! How did you find her? What's happened to her?'' Bowl asked with worry as he gets Shen Wei that Zhao Yunlan leans on the couch.

''Erjing... I mean King Zhuming's reincarnation wanted to stab me but Xiao Wei blocked his way caused that knife stabbed on her heart. Zhang Dannie, that fairy reminded me to bring her to you, Bowl if something happened to Xiao Wei since only you can save her,'' Zhao Yunlan replied with full of worry.

Bowl sighs.

''So, you met with that fairy? You know everything now?'' Bowl asked to Zhao Yunlan.

''All of us already know everything now. Zhang Dannie told the whole story of that Kunlun's kingdom that under the curse and also about us, the reincarnations,'' Zhao Yunlan told the truth.

Bowl nods within Mr. Zhao.

''Bring her to your room, Yunlan. I will treat her. And you, Da Qing, help me to get my bag from my room. You open my closet and you will see that black bag at below space,'' Bowl ordered and both of young guys did what they were told.

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