Chapter 14

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Shen Wei woke up after a few days of her recovery. Zhao Yunlan is the happiest to see his mate is woke up now after a few days fainted from the treatment by Shen Nong's bowl of medicine. Shen Wei looks around as she didn't alert the place she is staying now since she can't think straight during her pain.

''Xiao Wei, are you okay now? Still hurt?'' Zhao Yunlan asked while caressing Shen Wei's hair.

Shen Wei nods with her slightly smiling.

''Where am I?'' Shen Wei asked back with her weakly voice.

''My dad's house. I brought you to here to get a treatment from your father's bowl of medicine. He treated your wound and you were fainted from the pain. How are you now? How about your injury?'' Zhao Yunlan asked and asked as he told the real situation to Shen Wei.

Shen Wei touches her chest and she smiles again.

''I think it's healing. But I am still tired. I feel like my body is aching,'' Shen Wei told.

''It's normal to feel that when you are laying on the bed for a few days. Come, let me help you to move from this bed, okay?'' Zhao Yunlan said and he helps Shen Wei to get off from the bed before he carries Shen Wei to sit on the wheelchair that he got from his dad's friend.

''Where are we going? And what is it?'' Shen Wei asked while pointing to the wheelchair.

''This is called as wheelchair. It is used to bring you walk out when you can't move like this. Xiao Wei, I know you will see a lot of weird things in my world. And I know you are the fast learner. So, I will tell you every new thing to you. Let's go out now and I will tell you everything. Also I want to introduce you to my dad properly,'' Zhao Yunlan told.

Shen Wei smiles.

''Yunlan, I am lucky to have you as my mate. And I am also lucky to live in your world too. How is our baby?'' Shen Wei asked as she replied to Zhao Yunlan.

'Mommy, I am not baby anymore! I mean is I am already six months old now. A day at your place is a month for me at here,' Yilong suddenly interrupted in Shen Wei's mind caused her startled as she didn't expect that her son can reach her mind till here in this world.

''We still can hear our son's mind even in your world, Yunlan?'' Shen Wei asked.

Zhao Yunlan nods.

''Even my dad can hear him too. So please control your mind for the privacy, okay? And you, Yilong, don't peek our doing for the privacy, okay?'' Zhao Yunlan reminded to both of them made Yilong giggles and Shen Wei nods with her smile.

Zhao Yunlan pushes Shen Wei to the outside of the bedroom and he introduced Shen Wei properly to his dad. Mr. Zhao is happier to see Shen Wei is woke up now and Zhao Yunlan is happy to see Shen Wei in a good condition. Shen Wei thanked to Bowl to save her when Bowl took over Mr. Zhao's body for a moment to meet with his master's daughter. Then, Mr. Zhao took over his body to have a talk with Shen Wei.

''Shen Wei, I know you feel like a stranger in here since all of these are new to you. But please don't worry. I am sure my son will teach you everything and you are fast learner too. I am sure you can learn faster,'' Mr. Zhao said.

Shen Wei nods with her smile.

''Yunlan already told me some of these things and I learned those. Thank you, dad for accepting me in your family,'' Shen Wei said.

''Whatever my son wanted, I will allow him including to let him marrying you, Shen Wei,'' Mr. Zhao replied.

''Marry? Are you serious, Yunlan? But I am from my world. You know...'' Shen Wei asked to confirm.

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