Chapter 11

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''Yunlan, wake up! We are in a trouble now!'' Shen Wei called Zhao Yunlan that still sleeping peacefully on the bed in that special room by Zhang Dannie and the fairies.

Zhao Yunlan stirs in his sleep and he pulls Shen Wei to his embrace as he still wants to sleep with his mate. Shen Wei tried to wiggle out as she feels uncomfortable and worried now for her own condition.

''Yunlan, please wake up and look at me now! We are in trouble now, okay!'' Shen Wei called while whining over and over again.

Zhao Yunlan sighs. Finally, he snaps open his eyes just to see his mate with that huge belly at his side. He almost jumps from the bed for his shock to see that condition of his mate right now.

''Xiao... Xiao Wei! What's happened to your stomach? Why you have that huge belly now? Are you pregnant? But why? How did...? What's happened?!'' Zhao Yunlan kept asking in a shock while sighting to the weird condition of his mate.

''I don't know, Yunlan! But I woke up with this huge belly. And... and I can feel the moving inside my belly now. What's happening to me, Yunlan? I am scare, I am worried now. I feel uncomfortable with this sudden huge belly, Yunlan,'' Shen Wei almost cried to tell her own condition to Zhao Yunlan that still stunning on the bed to see that.

''Please don't worry, Shen Wei!'' Suddenly Zhang Dannie interrupted from unknown as she heard the whine and worry of Shen Wei for that huge belly.

''Zhang Dannie! What is it?! Why is Shen Wei is being like this?'' Zhao Yunlan asked to the unknown.

''Nothing happens, Zhao Yunlan! She just pregnant of your first child. The dragon. And now it's developed faster and almost due. She will give the birth soon. Please get ready and let my peoples come to help her to give birth to your baby, Zhao Yunlan,'' Zhang Dannie said and before Zhao Yunlan can reply to Zhang Dannie, suddenly Shen Wei screams for the pain.

''Arghh!! Yunlan, my belly! It's hurt! It's coming!'' Shen Wei cried with the pain on her below body.

''Zhao Yunlan, wear your clothes and let us enter the room now!'' Zhang Dannie ordered and Zhao Yunlan hurriedly wears his clothes while looking at Shen Wei that now slowly leaning her back on the bed and positioning her legs to deliver the baby.

''Xiao Wei!'' Zhao Yunlan called as he gets Shen Wei back on the bed.

A moment later, Zhang Dannie enters the room with the other fairies and they get Shen Wei on the bed. Zhang Dannie pushes Zhao Yunlan to sit at the side of Shen Wei and holds that hand of Shen Wei while the other fairies take their position to deliver the baby. Shen Wei screams for the pain but at the outside of that room, the screaming is sounded like a growl of dragon in pain made all the SID and archeological teams hurriedly come to that room but just got a push from Zhang Dannie except Wu Xie and Houtian.

''Help your jiejie to hold her hand for her push, Wu Xie! She may struggle for this birth of her first child. And you Houtian, help us to get the baby,'' Zhang Dannie ordered to those two peoples.

''Alright!'' Houtian replied and she pushes Wu Xie to get Shen Wei on the bed.

''Yunlan, it's coming! It's huge and stuck on my passageway!'' Shen Wei whined with her struggling to push the baby to come out from her huge belly.

Upon seeing to her huge belly, they will think that Shen Wei is pregnant to a triplet or quadrupled but unknowingly to them that the dragon is born from the egg. Shen Wei is delivering the dragon's egg, almost lost her breath to push that egg to come out. Zhao Yunlan can't see his mate is in pain like that as well as Wu Xie that already crying to see his sister is in pain. Houtian keeps peeking in between the legs of Shen Wei and she almost screams to see that egg is slowly sliding out from the passageway.

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