Chapter 16 (Final)

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The group of archeological and SID as well as Mr. Zhao and Mr. Wu entered the ancient gate with Yilong and Zhang Dannie are welcoming them at there. Yilong saw his parents that carrying two babies from the modern world and he hurriedly gets both babies to his hold. Upon feeling Yilong, the babies smile to their elder brother.

''They recognize me!'' Yilong shouted joyfully.

Shen Wei, Zhao Yunlan and the others are laughing to see a childish of Yilong to get the babies.

''Of course they can recognize their gege, Yilong. They have the dragon's blood too like you. Just they can't change like you in their world,'' Zhang Dannie told.

Yilong nods understand.

''Let's go now! I asked my peoples to prepare the heaven dinner tonight. You all must be hungry after a long journey, right? We will have our dinner together and then we will have a talk. I miss you all soooo much you know!'' Yilong said and they nod agreed.

''We miss you too, Yilong!'' Wu Xie said on behalf of the others.

''You are really look alike your mommy, Yilong,'' Houtian said and Yilong chuckles to hear that.

''And I am sure your baby boy soon will have the face of uncle Wu Xie instead of yours, aunty Houtian,'' Yilong replied and Houtian widens her eyes.

''How did you know our baby is a boy?'' Houtian asked.

''Of course I can know it since I have the dragon's eyes. I can see your baby's gender now through your pregnancy belly, aunty Houtian,'' Yilong said.

''Oh, yeah! I forgot that you are the great dragon in this world, replacing Kunlun,'' Houtian admitted.

Yilong chuckles and then they all move to the palace. As told by Yilong, the servants prepared a heaven dinner for them all. Of course Pangzhi is the happiest to see the variety of meals since he is the biggest eater amongst them.

''Err... Where should we put our babies?'' Shen Wei asked as she saw no baby bed for the babies.

''Ops, sorry mommy! I forgot to prepare it. But it's okay, I will give a special baby bed for them,'' Yilong said and he transforms to his green dragon before he releases his ice to make a baby bed.

Yilong is a great dragon now as he can do anything like to make that beautiful baby bed from his ice. He also can release both fire and ice which makes him greater than Kunlun. As both babies have the fire of Zhao Yunlan, they didn't feel cold for the ice bed. Yilong smiles to see the babies are happy to lean on his gift to the babies.

''Let's eat before it's cold!'' Yilong offered and they all dig in the meals for their dinner.

Zhang Dannie just sitting near the baby bed while having a talk with them. They talk about the condition and situation of their both sides to each other. As a fairy, Zhang Dannie didn't eat or drink. So, she just being a listener and a talker at there while the others are eating happily. Yilong is the happiest at there to have them now especially to see his parents and siblings.

After the dinner, they continue the talk while Yilong playing with the babies. As the babies were born in the modern world, the human world, thus the babies are not grow up faster like Yilong at here. But still they will grow up a day like a month in here if they are staying here more than 3 days. Similarly to the others. So they need to leave this place before the three days ended.

''Yilong, tell us what's happened in here during we are not here?'' Wu Xie requested.

Yilong tells all the story while Houtian, Liu Sang and Li Jiale recorded the information for their continuing research. Guo helps them to record the information. Black and Pangzhi just relax near them as they didn't like the recording. Kylin is not a guy that like to listen the story. So, he walks away to get a fresh air at outside.

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