Chapter 10

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''Do you mean only us are from here originally?'' Pangzhi asked.

Zhang Dannie shakes her head.

''Actually, there are a lot of peoples who safe from my curse and wondered around the world. But only you are coming to here. The others are still living in the human world whether in the original form like Zhang Qiling, Chu Suzhu, Zhu Hong, Da Qing, Lin Jing, Wang Zheng and Sang Zhan, and also in the form of reincarnation like Wu Xie, Zhao Yunlan, Guo Changcheng, Black, Li Jiale, Jia Kezi, Wang Pangzhi, Er Jing and Bai Houtian. Some of them are already died and some of them are still alive. Just they live quietly in the human world and didn't remember this place. In the eyes of them, this place just a dragon tomb with no more value except for the archeological teams like you, Pangzhi,'' Zhang Dannie explained to them.

''You know our real names, fairy!'' Pangzhi said.

''Of course I know because I am a fairy,'' Zhang Dannie told.

''Yeah, yeah! You are right, fairy!'' Pangzhi replied with his laugh.

''I am the reincarnation too? From who?'' Guo asked as he still didn't remember anything of his past life made all of them look at Guo.

''Right, Xiao Guo! You said you didn't remember anything. So, how can you are the reincarnation too?'' Lin asked on behalf of the others who are also confused.

''Guo is the reincarnation of Kunlun's sword. During the war, King Zhuming not only wanted Shen Wei as his bride but also the sword of Kunlun that can ruin the kingdom of Kunlun. Since Kunlun wanted to save his kingdom as well as his mate, he let his body and his sword to be reincarnated within Zhao Yunlan and Guo. His sword is a soul sword. Only him has a soul sword in our world at that time which means with the lightening within that sword,'' Zhang Dannie told.

''Then, I may change to a sword for Chief Zhao to use soon?'' Guo asked with confusion mind.

Zhang Dannie laughs. But then she shakes her head again.

''Well, only the lightening within you will be used for Kunlun's sword. So please don't worry. You will not change,'' Zhang Dannie assured.

Guo sighs to hear that.

''How to change to a human? I am uncomfortable to stay in this dragon form!'' Zhao Yunlan whined and all of them laugh to him.

''Yunlan, use your mind and heart to change between human and dragon like this,'' Shen Wei replied and she transforms to her human form, and then Wu Xie follows.

Zhao Yunlan growls louder as he can't focus to think of his human form made him frustrated to stay in the dragon's form unlike Shen Wei and Wu Xie that now in their human form. The others laugh again.

''Try it till you find the solution, Yunlan!'' Da Qing interrupted with a tease and then he quickly runs as he didn't want to be a snack by this golden dragon and the others laugh to see them two.

Zhang Dannie asks them to have a rest in her place for today and they will have a plan soon. She also assured to them all that Zhuming's red dragon only can fled away to his kingdom but he can't enter back to here like Zhujiu tried to enter before this as the fairies blocked them all from the outside. They will have a plan soon for what is supposedly they should do now after they saved Shen Wei, the guardian of dragon tomb.

''Zhao Yunlan, one more thing that you can save your mate from taken by King Zhuming or Prince Zhujiu is to let your mate pregnant of your heir. If the next dragon is born, they can't take your mate anymore and all the peoples whether from your kingdom or outside will bow to you as their king, replacing King Zhuming or Prince Zhujiu. Now Prince Zhujiu took over all the kingdoms after Kunlun was dead. But all the peoples are scare of him as the next king. And now you are back and you got your mate for your kingdom. If you have a child, the heir of your kingdom, all of them will bow to you and Prince Zhujiu or King Zhuming can't kill you but they will be killed,'' Zhang Dannie told the other trick to let down Zhuming and Zhujiu.

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