Chapter 12

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''Xiao Wei, wake up! We have a baby dragon now! It hatched!'' Zhao Yunlan called in his human form to his lover that still sleeping at his side in her human form now.

Shen Wei stirs a little before she falls to her sleep back. She dreams of her baby dragon is talking to her but the real is the baby dragon is trying to reach to her mind. Zhao Yunlan saw his lover is smiling in the sleep made him got a naughty thought. He brings the baby dragon to Shen Wei and he lets the baby dragon bites Shen Wei's finger caused Shen Wei woke up immediately with the tickle, not pain as the baby dragon just bite with love to his mother.

''Oh, my!! It hatched!'' Shen Wei shouted in surprised to see the green baby dragon in front of her.

Zhao Yunlan nods while the baby dragon nudging the dragon's head towards Shen Wei's face, made Shen Wei giggles to feel that.

''It's cute, right? It's a baby boy, Xiao Wei,'' Zhao Yunlan replied.

''Boy... Zhang Dannie got the right expectation. So, what should we do now? Can our baby stay here without us? Can he survive?'' Shen Wei asked as she pulled the baby dragon to his hold and the baby dragon leans on the laps of Shen Wei.

'You can leave me here, mommy, daddy! I can survive at here under that fairy's protection,' the baby dragon suddenly reached to his parent's mind made both of them startled.

''You can talk to our minds, baby? Even you called us mommy and daddy. Do you like those calling?'' Shen Wei asked in surprised.

'I heard you talked with daddy to make your children called you mommy and daddy as daddy. I like those call but mommy please hurry in killing those two dragons before they kill me. I only can hear and talk to your mind now as well as to daddy,' the baby dragon said.

''We will do it. But what about you? We may leave you directly to that fairy if something happens to your mommy during the fight,'' Zhao Yunlan asked with a sad voice.

'It's alright, daddy. I told you I can survive here as long as that fairy is alive to raise me in here. So please make sure to not ruin this place for me to stay. Protect this place while killing them,' the baby dragon said to his parent's minds.

Zhao Yunlan and Shen Wei look at each other before they replied with the agreement to their baby.

'I still can reach your mind even you are far from me, mommy, daddy. That fairy already told you, right?' the baby dragon added.

Zhao Yunlan nods to the baby dragon and that baby dragon nudges his head towards both his parents.

''Well, before we leave you to that fairy, let we give you your name. Yunlan, how about we give him the name of Yilong, the green dragon?'' Shen Wei suggested.

Zhao Yunlan nods.

''Nice name. So, you are Yilong now. Zhao Yilong. We hope we can meet you again, Yilong,'' Zhao Yunlan replied and the baby dragon growls sofly before he changed to a human baby and they can't hear the mind of their baby now.

A moment later, Shen Wei carries her human baby to the outside while Zhao Yunlan is following from behind. Zhang Dannie smiles to see the baby was hatched and the others clap their hands for joyful to have a new king of this ancient kingdom. Unknowingly to them all that two red dragons are trying to reach to this place since Yilong was developed, then was born and now was hatched. Those red dragons can feel the born of the green dragon from Kunlun's reincarnation and will replace them soon. So that, they tried to get this baby to be killed before this baby took over this kingdom and they will lose their peoples to this new king.

''You gave his name?'' Wu Xie asked as he holds the baby.

''Yilong, the green dragon. In our world, Zhao Yilong,'' Zhao Yunlan replied on behalf of Shen Wei and Shen Wei just nods admitted.

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