Chapter 15

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Shen Wei walks to the aisle with Wu Xie is holding her hand. All the peoples clap their hands for the joyful to see their king will marry to their queen now after a long years. Shen Wei smiles to her peoples at the down of aisle. The wedding started as Zhao Yunlan gets the hand of Shen Wei from Wu Xie. Yilong is happy to see his parents are married now.

As the wedding event is held, Yilong also is replacing Zhao Yunlan as a new king and also replacing Shen Wei as a new guardian of dragon tomb. Precisely replacing Kunlun for both position. Before this, Kunlun was a king and also the guardian of dragon tomb before he gave the position to Shen Wei after he mated with Shen Wei. But now, Yilong took over both positions as Zhao Yunlan will bring along Shen Wei to the modern world, leaving this remaining ancient world to Yilong.

''Daddy, mommy, I hope one day I can meet with my siblings. Please come to visit me at here whenever you miss me, okay?'' Yilong said.

Zhao Yunlan and Shen Wei nod. They hug Yilong for the last and also land a kiss on their first child, their son before they walk out from that ancient gate. The guards are guarding not far from that gate as Yilong didn't want any of his peoples know that ancient gate which his parents have going through except Zhang Dannie that putting a spell to that ancient gate. The real is only Zhao Yunlan and the team can pass this ancient gate including the peoples from this ancient world that scattering and still alive in the modern world.

''I hope Yilong will grow up and being a good king to his peoples,'' Shen Wei said as she saw no more Yilong and Zhang Dannie through the ancient gate when she walked out from the ancient world.

Zhao Yunlan nods.

'I will be a good king to our peoples, mommy. Please don't worry. Aunty Dannie will protect me at here. And you both please stay safe at that world. Till we meet again, mommy, daddy. Please don't worry on your privacy time. I will block my mind from listening to you and you both don't forget to block your minds too, alright?' Yilong reached to his parent's minds.

Zhao Yunlan and Shen Wei look at each other and then they giggle to hear that.

''We will, Yilong! Take care, our son!'' Zhao Yunlan replied on behalf of his wife, Shen Wei.

''We love you, son!'' Shen Wei added with her happy smile.

'I love you too, mommy, daddy,' Yilong replied and he walks away from that ancient gate together with Zhang Dannie to continue the life without his parents and them who were with him since baby.

Now, only Zhang Dannie is with Yilong that know everything about Yilong. With the help of Zhang Dannie's fairies, Yilong can survive in the ancient world till he stopped aging. Since that stop aging, Yilong is being an adult with 30 years old in the ancient world. His age is stopped at that age. That's mean it's already more than 10 months in Zhao Yunlan's world.

Shen Wei already gave birth to a pair of twins about four days ago. She was pregnant with the seed from Zhao Yunlan after several times they teued since the wedding night. After they backed to Zhao Yunlan's apartment, they had romance for the postpone of their wedding night. They kept making a love since that night till Da Qing surrendered to sleep at that apartment when Da Qing can't sleep at there and he ran away to Mr. Zhao's house to get a proper sleep. Da Qing sulk over his master for a month for can't sleep properly. And now, Shen Wei and Zhao Yunlan have a new babies, a new siblings for Yilong.

'Mommy, daddy! Come to visit me when mommy is healed from the giving birth, okay?' Yilong reached to their minds on that night and they laugh to hear that.

''We will visit you soon, son! Please be patient, okay? Your mommy is still in a recovery condition. You know she can't heal herself faster in my world. At least she needs a month or two to fully recover,'' Zhao Yunlan replied and he can hear Yilong is sighing for a frustration.

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