Chapter 6

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Zhao Yunlan looks around the palace on that night after all of them are sleeping for the exhaustion in walking around the kingdom through the day. The just came back to the palace at almost sunset. Then, they took their shower before they all had their dinner and and now they all are sleeping for the tiredness except Zhao Yunlan that wondering around the palace.

Zhao Yunlan walks into one direction in that palace. It's cold and dark at there. Zhao Yunlan feels goosebump to walk at there. He keeps moving while holding his frightening. He wants to know what is it in there when that way is blocked by unknown before this. Zhao Yunlan steps slowly into that dark alley. He ignored his scare at that time. But then, a hand is holding his shoulder made him screams for a shock.

''Ssshhh...!!! Yunlan, it's me!'' Shen Wei told while covering Zhao Yunlan's mouth.

Upon listening to that voice, Zhao Yunlan slowly turns his body to face that girl at his back. Shen Wei is standing at there together with Da Qing, Wu Xie, Pangzhi and Kylin. Pangzhi can't help to laugh to see Zhao Yunlan is scare like hell just to feel a hand on his shoulder.

''Xiao Wei! You scared me! I almost lost my breath for my scare. I thought you are ghost,'' Zhao Yunlan scolded made Shen Wei blinks her eyes and Zhao Yunlan melted to see those beautiful and innocent eyes of his mate.

''I... I didn't mean to scare you, Yunlan. But you didn't listen to my call. So, I touched your shoulder to call you,'' Shen Wei explained.

Zhao Yunlan sighs to hear that.

''What are you doing at here, Yunlan?'' Da Qing asked and the other nod agreed to the ask from Da Qing to Zhao Yunlan.

''You looked drowned to the front. What is it at the front?'' Wu Xie also asked.

''Speaking of that, Xiao Wei, what is it at the front? I saw an alley at front but it's darker and colder,'' Zhao Yunlan told what he saw.

Shen Wei looks at Zhao Yunlan and the others with an innocent look.

''I don't know it either, Yunlan,'' Shen Wei told.

''You don't know that alley, jiejie? Didn't you stay here with Kunlun before?'' Wu Xie asked.

Shen Wei nods admitted.

''Kunlun never bring me to that alley. He brought me to anywhere in this palace but not this alley. I mean is I never see this alley before when I was with Kunlun. Even after I alive back, I never see it till I saw you walked into here, Yunlan when we tried to find your,'' Shen Wei told.

''Do you know about this alley, Wu Xie from Yezhun's memory?'' Zhao Yunlan asked.

Wu Xie shakes his head.

''Even you, Kylin?'' Zhao Yunlan asked again.

Kylin also shakes his head. Zhao Yunlan sighs.

''I don't have a memory of this alley from Kunlun too. I just noticed this alley when I wondered around the palace. I saw that dragon statue near to that wall looked weird with its horn was on its tail. So, I put it back to its head and that door opened. I walked into that door and I saw this alley,'' Zhao Yunlan told.

''It's colder than the cold weather in there,'' Pangzhi stated and they nod admitted.

''Do you want to explore this alley? Who knows we can find something from here? Maybe it's about the curse from Kunlun?'' Da Qing suggested to Zhao Yunlan and all.

''We can't go there just us five. We need the others. I don't know why but I feel a bad vibe from this alley. Maybe Liu Sang or Jia Kezi can help us to hear any sound from inside. I need Lin too to protect us from any ghost. Wang and Sang can help us to see at front. And...''

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