Chapter 7

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They reached to a dead way of that tunnel. Liu Sang tried to listen to the surrounding area while the others are silent for the corporation. Jia Kezi does the same as Liu Sang but he can't hear anything except the crawling of something. Liu Sang heard that crawling but he still focusing on his listening to something else.

''I can hear that sound of air from this side. Also the sound of water like waterfall something like that. But I am confused now because there is no door or any pathway at here. I can hear there is something behind this wall. But, unfortunately, we have a new encounter now,'' Liu Sang told his listening.

''Encounter? What is it?'' Pangzhi asked.

''Something crawling,'' Jia Kezi replied on behalf of Liu Sang.

''Something crawling? Where? In here?'' Zhao Yunlan asked while torching his light to the surrounding area but he saw nothing.

The others did the same but also didn't see anything.

''About 20 meters at front,'' Liu Sang informed.

All of them swallow hard to know that as they didn't expect this tunnel has many things inside. Dangerous or maybe not dangerous but still the things are unexpected for them all. Shen Wei silents at her side and she tried to see the crawling things that Liu Sang and Jia Kezi mentioned about using her dragon's eyes but still her dragon's power is not developed yet which means she lost that power after Kunlun's kingdom is under the curse.

Shen Wei keeps trying but her trying caused her feels dizzy and Zhao Yunlan noticed that as he can feel each hurt and wound from his mate after he had this girl. Zhao Yunlan holds Shen Wei's body that almost fell for her dizziness.

''Xiao Wei, don't force yourself! Let that power slowly comes back. Don't force it. I am sure, even mine and Wu Xie's power are still can't be used yet under the curse in this kingdom,'' Zhao Yunlan whispered and Shen Wei nods understand.

''Sorry, I can't help you now,'' Shen Wei apologized.

''It's alright, Xiao Wei. I have my supernatural staffs to help us in here. Even Wu Xie's friends can help us too,'' Zhao Yunlan assured.

Shen Wei nods with her smile.

''Zhu, Da Qing! I need you two to see at front of this tunnel. Check what is the thing which crawling to us!'' Zhao Yunlan ordered.

Da Qing and Zhu nod understand. They both transform to their cat and snake form. Pangzhi and Black almost jumped to Wu Xie and Kylin to see Zhu in the snake form.

''Don't climb on me, Pang! You are heavy!'' Wu Xie whined, caused Pangzhi makes a face towards Wu Xie for his unsatisfied when Wu Xie scolded him.

Kylin pats Black's shoulder to calm down and he moves to front to catch on those cat and snake that running and slithering into the tunnel at front. The others are nervously waiting at there to know what is it except Wu Xie that pulling Pangzhi to check on the wall if there is a hidden door or pathway. Shen Wei stills in the embrace of Zhao Yunlan for her dizziness in forcing to use her power that still not awaken.

''Liu Sang! Come here!'' Wu Xie called Liu Sang and that long hair guy hurriedly gets Shen Wei near the wall that having a few blocks.

''Listen at here!'' Pangzhi ordered while pointing to that place.

Liu Sang quickly did what he was told while the others are waiting again. He smiles with a happy feeling.

''Seems like you find a door, Wu Xie. That sound is from here. Too loud from this area,'' Liu Sang told.

Wu Xie smiles.

''How to open the door?'' Er Jing asked.

''Let me see!'' Chu interrupted and the others back away to give a way to Chu.

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