Eli x Reader

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My brain is absolutely fried from thinking how to be fluff again X,D Sorry for making you wait for so long zzaeyda I hope this story is to your liking! I still feel very iffy about this story since I haven't been writing as often ;;; It's not the best but I hope you will enjoy it uwu


'Ah where has she gone this time.' The seer ponders as he wonders where his companion had gone. Recently, the male survivor has noticed that his owl would be missing from his room way before he had even woke up from his slumber and he did find it weird at first since Popo would rarely leave his side so he assumed that his companion wanted a change of pace for once.

Although he was not bothered by the sudden change in behaviour, he was a little curious about what his friend was up to so he was going to find out today. Eli had expected to see the forests surrounding the manor as he was under the assumption that Popo was flying outside but he was met with a room instead which caused his curiosity to escalate. 'Maybe she has found a new friend to play with?' The male survivor wonders if she had been attracted to one of the survivor's pets.

"Hm? Oh Popo! Good morning to you too, sweetie!" Upon hearing the oh so familiar voice, his immediately went bright red and he could have sworn that his heart had almost leapt out from his chest. "This is (Y/N)'s room?! Why is Popo there?' He proceeds to calm his poor heart down in order to regain back his composure as he continues to watch from his companion's eyesights.

The female survivor gently picks up the adorable creature and hugs it close to her chest. With such a cheerful smile in the morning, it was evident to say that Popo's presence had made her a lot more happy. There was never a time where she wouldn't miss the opportunity to shower his companion with love while he would watch from the sidelines, hoping to receive the same attention one day but there was no way he could ever voice out such an embarrassing thought to anyone.

Unlike the normal uniform she would wear for the day, she was still in her loungewear and a sudden thought hit him, (Y/N) was never a morning person and she would usually be one of the last few people Emily has to wake up. Eli was unsure if he should praise the owl for making the doctor's task a bit easier or lecture her since it was not exactly a good behaviour to barge into someone's else room without their permission.

It took the seer quite some time to snap out from his trance as he forced himself to stop what he was doing. It felt as if he was invading her personal space or privacy even though he wasn't actually there in person. "Forget everything you saw." Eli mutters softly to himself although he did not witness anything indecent or anything of the sort during the short period of time where he was looking through Popo's eyes.

After he was done with his usual morning routine and was prepared to step out from the bedroom, the seer looks at his window hoping that Popo has already returned but there was nothing there which must have meant his companion was still under (Y/N)'s supervision and he needed to collect the owl back before she continues making more trouble than she already has. Taking notes of the brown feathers he saw displayed on the female's survivor bed and floor.


"I haven't seen that owl of yours lately. Where did she go?" The male survivor sucks in a deep breath to maintain his composure when the mercenary finally discovers the missing presence of the creature. "I have no clue. She could be flying around the woods." Eli replies in a cool manner before another question from the embalmer shot at him. "You could always check if you are worried." Aesop suggested, eyes remaining on his makeup box to check if all the tools were inside.

Just when he was about to counter the question or change the subject of the conversation, the poor seer was unprepared for her arrival as (Y/N) approached them from behind giving them a greeting first to avoid a heart attack to trigger in all three survivors. Well, her efforts were futile either ways when she noticed how Aesop literally almost jumped out from his chair, Eli flinching at the sound of her voice while Naib was giving them an odd look.

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