PART TWO: Meeting With A Weasley

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Chosen Song For This Part: It's Better - Katelyn Tarver
-Ambers POV-

Everyday since we met in year 1, me and George had been meeting up regularly to either hang out or study, he would help me with things I didn't quite fully get. He was also good at helping me keep up to date with essays that were due and I had been stressing about. 

Today, I was accidentally running late as I had spent the morning with Lex, we had planned to get breakfast this morning before she went and prepped some study time into her day. Draco had hung around for a little while before going off with Crabbe and Goyle, they were definitely the inseparable trio, but I guess me and the group of girls were the inseparable 10.  

I was practically almost sprinting down the hall to try and get to mine and George's usual meeting spot under a tree that stood in the courtyard, when I was suddenly grabbed by the arm gently, but unexpectedly, and pulled into a tall figure for a hug. Breathing in I recognised the cologne almost instantly and I let out a sigh of happiness. 

"George, I am so sorry, I -" I was cut off by him squeezing me tighter and laughing it off. 

"It's fine, I understand that you have Lex and the group, as well. I know you're not always going to be perfectly on time, and thats okay" He reassured me, and I smiled in the embrace.

"To be honest, I was running late, too. That's why I caught you here." He laughed. 

George has been my male best friend since year one, and every year I'd known him, I'd realised that he truly was my happiness. He always reassured me and made me feel comfortable and safe. I felt my body fully relax and I couldn't help but let my body weight be supported by his torso, his chin rested on the top of my head. 

"There we go, diffuse the tension" he soothed. 

I know it shouldn't have been like this, but my head had been swimming around him for the last three years, sometimes he even made an appearance in my dreams, and no, not like that. In the dreams we'd be walking through streets and watching sunsets, he was showing me how to perform successful pranks and when night time fell, he would always walk me back to my dorm and say goodbye with a gentle kiss on my cheek. 

"Rodgers?" George was waving a hand in front of my face and now down at my eye level.

Zoning out, I finally was sucked into reality and face to face with him. He was smiling at me and telling me how i'd been zoned out for a minute or so. 

"Ah, Sorry. Shall we proceed?" I asked, beginning to walk forward. I stopped, and waited for George. 

"Well, are you coming?" I asked and he nodded, and then joined me on our walk. 

We spent about ten minutes walking through the corridors, and every so often we would receive a hello from some of the younger students, and some that were our age, we always said hello back. 

"What's Fred got planned today, then?" I questioned as me and George walked to the tree and sat at the base of it, I opened my textbook and pulled out a notepad from my bag. 

"Not much, just Fred things" He laughed, he took the textbook from my lap and scanned over it. 

"That's a lot of highlighting" he said with amazement filling his voice, "And a lot of scribbles" he teased. 

Gently, I whacked his arm and he pretend that it hurt, I laughed and buried my face in my notebook. He was playfully rubbing his arm and then clarified that he was just joking. 

"You could never hurt me, even if you tried" He smiled as he looked over at me. 

He held his gaze for a moment before turning to his own bag and pulling out his equipment. He pulled out a piece of torn crumpled paper and nudged me with his arm before telling me to 

"Watch this" he whispered. 

He pulled his wand from the pocket of his jeans and gently touched it to the paper, as he did, he cast a spell. 


Watching closely, the piece of paper transformed into a bird and flew onto my shoulder, before making its way up and flying away. 

"God knows where that's going" George chuckled, putting his wand back in his pocket.

Without really knowing, I found that I had started staring at him subconsciously. There was a small beam of sunlight rippling through the leaves above us, and it directly shone over him. His hair looked like a soft fire in this light, and his eyes had a sparkle in them that twinkled like a star on a clear nights sky. I hadn't realised before, but in just the right lighting, George actually had a few small freckles on the bridge of his nose and they spread out onto his cheeks. His smile was a beautiful white colour. 

"Perfect, Just, Perfect" I whispered to myself softly, admiring the view that was next to me. 

George's head looked round and I quickly looked back down at my notebook, pretending to read over parts of my essay notes. Not like I was just admiring the perfect and defined masterpiece in front of me. 

"I guess we'd better get a head start on this Protection Against The Dark Arts essay for Snape, before I TOTALLY  forget to do it" George proposed. 

"Yeah. Probably" I agreed. "However, Weasley. I've already made my head start" I smirked as I pointed at my two and a half page essay. 

"Bloody Hell!" George exclaimed, "I'd better catch up!"

"You're welcome to borrow some of my notes" I suggested, "Since I Noticed That," I looked over at his textbook, "SOMEONE  hasn't been taking their own." I playfully teased.

"What would I do without you, Rodgers?" He stated. 

'No, what would I do without YOU ?' Both my head and heart pounded from that little voice in my mind.

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