PART FOURTEEN: The (4) Chosen Champions and A Warning

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(Lisa x Abbie)

-Abbie's POV-

Walking back from the Quidditch field with Lisa, we had both been talking about the upcoming game next week and who was going against who. Lisa was feeling a little worried about it, but I made sure to re-assure her that she's one of the best Quidditch players for Hufflepuff. 

"Ah, I don't know what you're worried about, right now, I'm looking at the future Hufflepuff team captain!" I exclaimed excitedly whilst moving my arms to signal her. 

She laughed in response, and shook her head, but the smile on her face never left. 

"I wouldn't say that" She chuckled and blushed from the compliment. 

"Why not? You're already a brilliant keeper for the team!" I reminded her, nudging her with my elbow softly. 

"You definitely make up for some of" I stopped talking when I saw some of the Hufflepuff team players walk past. 

When I made sure they'd definitely passed by, I looked behind and around me just to double check that I wouldn't get caught saying what I was about to say. Once I was happing with the surroundings, I finished my sentence. 

"Them" I signalled towards the members walking ahead of us. 

Lisa pretended to gasp in shock, and I just laughed. It was true though, Lisa was definitely one of the best team members of the Hufflepuff Quidditch team, she was fast, resilient AND  a brilliant catch, let alone an amazing defender. Honestly, she could be a one member Hufflepuff team. 

I felt a student accidentally knock my shoulder and they quickly spun around, put their hand up and apologised, before taking off towards the Grand Hall down the end of this corridor. I looked at Lisa, and she was looking right back at me, we both shrugged in sync and turned our attention back to the front. 

More students were starting to head towards the Grand Hall now and me and Lisa both wondered what was going on for everyone to be rushing around, and then my question was answered. 

"Of Course!" I gasped. 

"They're announcing the three Triwizard Champions today!" I remembered. 

"Oh shoot, yes, they are!" Lisa also too, remembered. 

We both sped up our pace, and headed for the ceremony, making sure not to knock into anyone or knock anyone out of the way, since Lisa had just come from Quidditch practise, she was still holding her broom and in her Quidditch gear, we definitely had no time to go back for her to get changed. 

-Lisa's POV-

Entering the room, everyone was already sitting down and waiting to find out just who was going to be pulled from the goblet, myself and Abbie found the rest of the girls, and we all sat together. 

Funny enough, the twins were sitting with our group and I think its because George was sitting next to Amber, who both, seemed to be whispering away and laughing in random bursts. Where Lex was sitting, Aubrey and Luna were either side of her and Draco and his boys weren't far behind our group, he must've saw me look over, cause he waved.

I waved back and smiled. 

Looking around, everyone was here but one of the girls, and that was Gabriella. As if she had heard my thoughts, she walked through the door, and someone was holding her hand. When they came into view, I realised who it was, and I felt my eyebrows raise. 

"Diggory?" I said, all a little too loud. 

"What? Cedric? When was his name called out?" Anna asked, looking over at the goblet.

"No, look!" I said, and all the girls heard. 

I pointed over Gabriella and Cedric's way, who were now both heading towards his friendship group. Once they got there, Gabriella was given a kiss on her forehead and she started looking around to find us, I waved her down. 

"Bloody Hell" I heard Lyssa say, watching as Cedric watched Gabriella walk over. 

Cedric waved at all of us, and the majority waved back. Lex was now turned around and talking to Draco on the row above us, not paying attention to anything we had just seen. 

"Hey, that's my saying" I heard a voice form, and footsteps coming our way. 

It was all Ron, Harry and Hermione. The trio had decided to join us, by sitting in the row just in front and slightly below us. Alyssa poked her tongue out at Ron, and he just laughed, before shaking his head at her and smiling. 

"Oh, Hi Harry!" I Heard Luna call out, she was now paying attention. 

"Hey Luna!" Harry waved back at her, smiling his head off. 

Harry looked over Draco's way, and Draco looked right back at him, a smug expression forming on his face, before the words 


Came out of his mouth. 

Harry looked away and turned to the front. It was now that every student above the age of 14+ had made it into the room and the doors were now closing. Gabriella had made her way up and sat next to me and Abbie, she greeted us with a beaming smile, and we smiled back. 

Dumbledore had made his entrance, and everyone's backs straightened and waited to find out what we have all be waiting for, for this past week. 

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