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I slowly pull myself out of bed after shutting my alarm off

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I slowly pull myself out of bed after shutting my alarm off. Third day of university and I'm still never ready to face all the curious faces in the halls. "Hanna!" My grandmother calls from behind my closed door. I slowly look up at the door, sucking my bottom lip into my mouth.

"I'm awake gramz," I replied. I hear her footsteps slowly disappear from my door causing me to sigh softly before making my way to the bathroom and quietly shut the door behind me. I flick my eyes up to the door as I slip my pj's from my body.

Turning on the shower faucet, I check the water every couple seconds before climbing into the water and closing my eyes. I let the hot water pelt down on my skin as a moan falls from my parted lips. My gaze lands on my shampoo and conditioner bottles as I grip onto the shampoo bottle. My eyes filter closed as I lather the shampoo into my hand and began scrubbing my hair throughly, until I believe I've scrubbed all the exhaustion out.

Once I'm clean and washed, I turn off the shower and step out grabbing my big blue beach towel and wrapping the fabric around myself. Bringing the towel to my cheek, I whip a few droplets of water before exiting into my bedroom.  I flick my gaze towards my closet, slowly sauntering over, pulling open each drawer before I'm satisfied with my choice. Quickly slipping into the outfit, I race back into my bathroom to brush my teeth clean.

Gripping my Oral B spin brush, I squirt my sensodyne tooth paste onto the bristles and bring it to my mouth. After brushing my teeth clean I run a brush through my long brown knee length curls. "You're going to be late!" my grandmother yells from behind the bedroom door.

I ignore her as I grab my bag off my desk and walk out the door past her. Heading down the stairs and slipping out the front door. A groan fall from my lips as I glare up at the cloud covered sky. Can I have a fucking break for once in my life. It feels like minutes before my feet come to a stop outside the giant university.  I regret getting out of bed.

Just like I did yesterday. Just like the day before. I regret the day before it even begins. I scan the area as my gaze lands on a few girls look my way in disgust. Prissy and bitchy. Well, they might as well be.

I bite down on my lip gently, pulling my hair around my shoulders to shield my face as I make my way inside the doors. Flicking my gaze around the area I hold in a sigh, picking up my pace as I head down the halls towards my first class, Creative Writing.

Once I enter the classroom I head up to the top quickly taking an empty seat awkwardly by myself in the back. Tucking a piece of hair behind my ear I pull out my notebook from yesterday. Scrolling over the words I jotted down the day before. "You're in my seat" a deep voice grumbles above me.

My gaze shoot up and locks with two blue ocean-like eyes causing me to flinch when I notice how angry they look. "I fucking said you're in my god damn seat! Fucking move!" He growls gripping the back of the chair in front of me. I shoot to my feet and scramble to grab all my things causing my arm to knock a couple of my notebooks to the floor with a loud crash.

𝘚𝘸𝘦𝘦𝘵 𝘛𝘦𝘮𝘱𝘵𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯Where stories live. Discover now