Thirty Two

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Waking up the next morning to catch a plane

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Waking up the next morning to catch a plane. You'd think you'd be used to that kind of travel. Me? Pregnant and exhausted. Not a chance. "Let me get that" Sam smiles as he takes my suitcase and shoves it into the trunk of Damon's car. Smiling, I turn around in search of Damon, he's nowhere. "Don't forget to feed my cat, don't eat out the entire time we're gone, Damien can make macaroni. Don't forget to tell the coach where I am. Remember that list"

Damon's voice rings through the air as he walks out the front door to the condo. "Got it" Ace smirks. "I know you're going to a funeral, but try and have some fun" Sam winks at us. Rolling my eyes I wrap my arms around Sam pulling him in for a hug. "Come back in one piece, and take care of my munchkin" he smiles, pressing a kiss to my cheek. "I will" I return the smile as Ace shoves his hands in his pockets and watches me.

Damien's tall frame shows up in front of me and he grins. "Don't get my brother killed, Aussie" he smiles wrapping his giant frame around me in a hug. "I wouldn't dream of it" I smile. Damien yanks Sam by his shirt collar as he tries to climb into the trunk of the car. "Delgado, we have shit to do, you're staying here" he growls. I hear Sam's protests as Damien man handles him over to Ace.

My eyes lock with Ace's as he still stands watching me with dark hooded eyes, his hands shoved into his pockets. Nobody really knows his story. He's just the captain of the hockey team and Damon's best friend. Nobody knows anything about his past because he won't talk. He gives me a current nod before he grabs Sam by his shirt and drags his ass back inside the condo.

He must not like me or something, must think I'm destroying Damon's life by being in it. He doesn't give me a second glance let alone acknowledge my existence. "Come on, baby. We have a plane to catch" Damon calls as he slides into the driver's seat. I take a second glance, my eyes back on the condo again quickly. My eyes catch Ace's as he watches us from the window. He gives me the creeps if I'm being honest.

"Hanna!" Damon calls, blaring the horn. I avert my eyes before climbing into the passenger seat and closing the door behind me. "Does he not like me?" I ask as Damon pulls the car out of the driveway, heading towards the airport. "Who?" He asks, raising a brow as he turns around a corner. "Ace" I mutter, casting a glance out the window.

Damon turns to me and watches me closely before he turns onto the highway. "Ace doesn't like women, he never has. Nothing against you. I don't know why, nobody does but that would probably be the issue" he replies as we drive down the highway. Why wouldn't he like women? My mind turns on a spindle as I gaze out the window. Something awful must have happened for him to have an issue with women.

I must have fallen asleep because when I open up my eyes Damon is hovering over me, pressing gentle kisses to my cheeks. "We're here, the airport awaits," he whispers into my hair. Yawning I unbuckle my seatbelt and climb out of the car. Sauntering to the back of the car to grab my suitcase. Damon grips my hand as we enter the airport, keeping me close to him.

Once we drop off our baggage and head through security I gaze around the Princeton airport. It's fucking huge I gotta admit. "C45, that's the gate number" Damon announces, gripping my hand as we walk down the long floor towards our gate number. I haven't been on a plane since I was seventeen. Granted I haven't left the United States since I was seventeen.

I never had interests in going on a plane so being twenty three. I haven't been on a plane for six years. I mean I loved my dad. I just didn't want to be in a plane. He wouldn't drive across the border from Canada so there was nothing I could do. Sliding into a seat I rest my head against Damon's shoulder as we wait to be called to board the plane.

"Boarding flight 450" the announcer calls from behind her computer. Fucking finally I already feel nauseous and tired and I just want to sleep the entire plane ride. That would do me justice. Damon grips my hand as we stand in line and await our turn. "Only pregnant women and children can board right now" the lady calls when she sees Damon, eying his hockey jacket.

I think he might snap if I'm being honest because there's no way he's leaving me to board alone. "She's my girlfriend, and as if I'm going to fucking allow her to carry that bag while being pregnant. Are you out of your blood mine" Damon growls. The woman behind the computer adjusts her glasses, pursing her lips while she watches us.

"You can board last with your girlfriend then, sir. That's a dreadful attitude" she smiles politely. "Like fucking hell your going to make her stand here that long" he snarls. "You either scan our tickets or I'm finding your manager. Discriminating against a hockey player" Damon seethes. I can't help the giggle that pops out of my lips as I watch the woman before us.

"You're awful rude. Can I just sit down already! I'm nauseous and I'm tired and if you want to clean up my vomit by all fucking means! Continue being a bitch!" I spit. The woman behind the counter widens her eyes grabbing the tickets from Damon and scans them quickly.

Who knew I had to call her a bitch so I could get on a bloody plane. Damon wraps his arm around me and smirks pressing his lips to my head. "You're quite hot when you're tearing into some woman" he grins at me. I roll my eyes, punching his arm in annoyance. Once I'm seated in our first class seats I close my eyes. "Can you find my water" I whisper, eying Damon.

He smiles and digs through my carry on bag until he pulls out a water bottle. Twisting off the cap I take a long sip, letting the water slide down my throat. Handing the water bottle back to Damon I flutter my eyes closed letting sleep over take me.

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