Thirty Eight

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I close my eyes for the one hundred and tenth day I've been attending this class. It's not doing much for my brain but perhaps it's teaching me something so I can defend my child and my girlfriend. Reopening my eyes I set my word to the side needing a break. Boxing should help me release some stress I've been holding in.

Wrapping the boxing wrap around my fists and my wrists, I stalk over to a punching bag, slamming my fist into the bag as hard as I can. He fucking threatened Hanna. Four fucking months ago he threatened my family. Clenching my teeth I slam my fist into the bag again. Throwing another punch to the middle right after. The bag swings back and forth the chains rattling above me.

"We're closing" someone rests their hand on my shoulder. Spinning around I get ready to throw another punch. Relaxing I stare into Chloe's eyes as she frowns. Chloe owns this place, she used to get bullied so she opened up this place for anyone who needed it. I came here to learn Martial Arts but I also occasionally do some boxing. "Sorry" I mutter, tearing the wrap from my hands as I walk over to the bench. Grabbing my towel and all my things I head for the locker rooms.

Resting my head against the wall of the lockers I let out a sigh. This Spooner shit is really taking over my mind and I can't think about anything else. Hell. Hanna and I haven't had sex in a month because my mind has been so occupied. No, that ends today. I'm not gonna leave her hormonal without release any longer. Pulling my shirt over my head I wipe my sweaty forehead before shoving the shirt into my locker.

Digging through my bag, I pull out my phone quickly dialing Hanna. "Hello?" She mutters into the phone. A frown touches my lips when I realize she's actually talking to me. I've barely given her any attention since before exams for the first semester ended. All I do is spend all my time at hockey games or here at this gym and work out arena. Sighing, I stare off at the clock before replying to my beautiful girl.

"Be ready to get naked tonight, I have big plans" I smirk even though she can't see me. I can feel her smile on the other side of the phone. A grin is definitely touching those plump lips. "Yes, sir." She giggles into the line. "See you soon, baby" I smile before ending the call. Quickly shoving my phone into my bag, I strip out of all my work out clothing, disappearing into the showers.

Once the water touches my skin, I repeat a little smile appearing. I can't shut her out. I know my mind is buzzing but she's everything to me and I can't just shut her out-. Closing my eyes I run my fingers through my wet hair before stepping out of the stall and wrapping my towel around my waist. Leave it to Spooner to get stuck in my head and ruin my fucking junior year.

Another sigh falls from my lips as I scrub the towel through my wet hair. I'm determined to keep him out of my mind and away from my family. Pulling a black t-shirt over my head I slip on a pair of boxers before, sliding my black skinny jeans up my legs. He doesn't control my life. I repeat to myself again as I head out of the locker rooms. "See ya, next week" I call Chloe as she sprays cleaner on the punching bags.

"Next week?" She widens her eyes and watches me. A smile spreads across my face before I head towards the exit. "My family needs me Harrison" I call out before the exit door shuts behind me. Chloe is Lexi's older sister and I found that out after my first day here because I saw Lexi and asked Chloe about it.

Once Chloe found out her sister used to bully people because she hated who she was and what happened so many years ago. Chloe lost it on her sister because of what she used to go through when she was still in school. A smile falls on my lips again at the memory. I ruined a friendship in a way by telling her that. Lexi can't hangout with Emma anymore which I'm definitely fine with.

Rounding the corner I crash into a body. A small and scrawny body. Fuck. I stare down at the man and realize Spooner is on some heavy shit right now. A sigh falls from my lips as he stares up at me with a glare. "Saint! Just the man I was looking for" he grins at me. Jesus. Can't he get a life? What am I saying I haven't had one for three months. Closing my eyes briefly I eye the man standing in front of me.

"What do you want?" I ground my teeth together. Spooner stares at me with a wicked smile on his lips. "I want the kid" he grins at me. Is this guy insane? My child is still in the womb. "My child isn't even born yet, it's only been four months" I growl. Spooner stares at me blankly before he swipes a knife out of his pocket. "I'm done waiting, Saint. Where's the girl" he snarls.

I clench my jaw so hard my teeth ache as I watch him. "You wanna do this? Here? Now" I growl in his face. Spooner shoots me a grin before his smile falls when he sees the look in my eyes. I'm not here to chitchat, if he wants to fuck with me he'll die. "Where's your pack of hounds save you now?" I taunt. Spooner's eyes harden as he watches me with bated yellow teeth.

He launches at me but I step side step just in time grabbing his boney body with one hand and squeezing his fist in my own. Spooner screeches in pain as I crush his fist with my bare hand. Well, that's what happens when you're shooting heroin and don't eat a damn thing during the day. Shoving him to the ground I step over him and shove my boot to his throat.

Gripping my Martial Arts sword in my hand I shove it to his throat and growl like an animal. Spooner eyes me with dark and terrified eyes. He didn't expect this from me and I'm glad. I had the element of surprise. I slide the sword into his neck before I bare my teeth at him.

"Don't you ever fucking threaten my family again. Or else, you'll be dead!" I seethe. I shove my sword into my bag again and Spooner nods his head several times over again before I remove my boot from his neck. Turning on my heel, I leave him laying in the dirt as I head home to people that love me.

𝘚𝘸𝘦𝘦𝘵 𝘛𝘦𝘮𝘱𝘵𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯Where stories live. Discover now