Thirty Seven

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I thought junior year was going to be easy and not complicated. Running into Damon changed everything, my entire set college plan. Down the drain. He corrupted me. All of me. No matter what I tried to do to push him away it just didn't work. He wanted me and he got me. My own personal perspective.. I fell in love with that broken man. I know my life and my baby's life is on the line right now. I'm definitely 100% sure he'll figure out a way to save us both. He's Damon Saint after all.

Smiling at my journal entry I shove the tiny book away under my mattress opening up my laptop. I begin studying for exams. This week couldn't be any worse? Could it. Sighing I close the laptop and saunter into the kitchen. Coffee always makes my day but I'm not allowed to drink it. According to Damon the baby specialist coffee doesn't mix so I'm sticking with tea. Dropping the tea bag into the mug I rest my nose against the rim. Inhaling the sweet scents of mint.

"You're not studying?" Bailey grins at me as she enters the condo with bags of groceries in her arms. I shoot her a glare as I stir the tea gently. "I'm taking a small break actually" I smile. My blonde friend eyes me for a second, her eyes filling with something similar to hope before it quickly disappears. What is up with her lately?

Shaking the thought from my brain I pull the tea bag from my cup and toss it out before taking a sip from my black tea. Mm. This is what I live for. "Do you want to invite Scarlet over and talk about it?" I ask, eyeing her facial expression. She shakes her head no instantly before beginning to shove the groceries away. I want to help her but I don't exactly know what's wrong.

Shoving a fake smile on my lips I disappear into my bedroom with my cup of tea. Sliding back into bed, I open up my laptop and begin studying all my notes over this past semester. Damn. I met Damon in September, we started dating in November and I got pregnant at the end of November. How time flies. Smiling to myself I rest a hand on my stomach, gazing down with an admired smile.

I get to find out the gender in less than three weeks and I couldn't be more excited. I mean Damon's been grumbling about wanting it to be a surprise but how can we buy clothing for our baby if we don't know if it's a girl or boy. Sighing I stare back into the computer screen again studying all my typed up notes. I must have drifted off to sleep because the next thing I'm aware of is someone peppering kisses on my cheeks.

Fluttering my eyes open, I focus on him and a smile pulls at my lips. Damon. Grabbing a hold of his shirt I pull him on my bed next to me. "How was the hockey game?" I smile up at him. He shoots me a grin, telling me all I need to know. They won. I press a kiss to his cheek and rest my head against him. "Sorry I couldn't be there" I whisper, staring up at his beautiful face.

Damon's eyes focus down on me and he smiles softly, pressing a kiss to my nose. "Studying is important to you, baby. It's okay." He smiles. I snuggle closer to his chest and smile lightly. "You have to get over the gender reveal thing. How are we supposed to buy clothing if we don't know what to expect" I said softly, shorting my eyes up to him. Damon sighs , a frown touching his lips as he watches me.

"I want it to be a surprise because I want the happiness to be more extreme when our baby enters this world" he whispers in my hair. A nod takes over my head before I realize what's happening. "Okay, it can be a surprise" I reply with a soft smile. Damon's lips meet mine as I wrap one arm around his neck and pull him closer to me. I didn't know I could love someone so much in this world into this dark haired asshole with a bad attitude walked into my life.

A smile touches my lips at the thought and I start giggling. He pulls back a frown on his lips as he tilts his head and watches me. "When I first ever met you- you told me to get the fuck out of your seat and now look where we are" I hold o to my stomach as I hiccup more laughs. Damon smiles at me before that smile becomes a smirk. "I saw that differently in my head. I mean when I saw a hot brunette I didn't know sitting in my seat I wanted to say something but it came out as a demand because I was such an asshole" he grins at me.

Smirking I wrap my arm around his neck and slide my tongue down his throat. Our tongue tangles for dominance as our kisses become greedy. This man means the world to me and I was right. He shattered me. So unbelievably shattered. Broken and helpless and with one kiss he put me back together. Another smile touches my lips at the thought. "I love you" I whisper. "I love you, too" Damon mumbles against my lips. I grin again, yanking his head down and smashing my lips into his.

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