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Clutching my text books to my chest I make my way across the lawn towards Bailey's shiny red Mercedes

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Clutching my text books to my chest I make my way across the lawn towards Bailey's shiny red Mercedes. "What's the plan tonight?" Bailey asks as we climb into the car. "Well my study session with Damon was cancelled. He's going to a party with the boys" I reply slightly annoyed. "You know everything doesn't revolve around studying right" she laughs as we pull out of the parking lot. I giggle In response, taking my phone out of my jeans. "Who are you texting missy?" Bailey smirks at me.

I grin as we stop outside Bailey's house. Climbing out of the red shiny car I feel myself pale when my eyes land on a tall muscular blonde with his head hanging in his lap as he waits on the apartment steps. "Harley.." I choke out in practically a whisper. Bailey stares at me as I slowly walk towards the steps. The blonde raises his head and I feel like I've seen a ghost. My brother is sitting on Bailey's steps with a look of pure guilt in his eyes.

"Hanna," he whispers. I fling my arms around him as the tears pour down my cheeks in an unnecessary fashion. "I know, I should have called you but.. what do you say to your little sister when one of your teammates takes advantage of her at a party?" he replies, sulking his head back down. Sighing I sit beside him giving Bailey a go ahead smile. My friend wanders into her apartment while I sit beside my brother trying to figure out what to say.

I smile and shove Harley's shoulder with a grin. "It wasn't your fault yet I was sent to our grandparents and that isn't any better than the party" I reply in a soft whisper. My brother turns to face me, his eyes hardening. "He fucking touched you!" Harley snarls. My eyes fall to the floor as I clutch my books to my chest. "He did exactly what Jared did" I mutter. My brother jumps to his feet, anger filling his body. "You're not living there anymore, what about that blonde can you stay with her?" He demands.

Shaking my head I sigh again. "She has a roommate but Scarlet doesn't" I reply softly. "Then ask Scarlet because I won't leave Princeton until you're out of that house" he replies. A smile curves on my lips before I grin. "Dad says he misses you by the way" he mutters. I bark out a laugh and look at him with narrowed eyes. "If he cared, I wouldn't be in Princeton. I'd be in New York" I reply with a growl. Harley shrugs before he gives me a soft smile.

"I'm heading to my hotel, catch up tomorrow? You seem busy" he nods towards the door. I nod before getting to my feet and giving him a soft hug. "Maybe call next time" I reply as I retreat into Bailey's apartment closing the door behind me. My blonde friend gives me a sympathetic smile as we head into her bedroom. "Don't call, don't text and then just shows up" I say with surprise. Bailey shrugs her shoulders. "My mother moved back to Madrid and she doesn't tell me when she's visiting she just shows up" Bailey grins at me.

I smile lightly before settling myself in Bailey's bean bag chair. I still remember the first time I was in this bedroom. The first time we talked about things together. I smile softly as our conversation breaks into other things.

Waving goodbye to Bailey I head inside Scarlet's house and set my bag down sighing. I know exactly what he's doing at that party and it bites at my skin just knowing I pushed away someone I wanted. I do want Damon. I want him more than I can possibly describe.

It's my own damn fault though. I told him I wanted to be just friends because I was afraid of committing. He makes me feel things I didn't think were ever going to be possible for me. He slammed down that wall I was holding up for the longest down.

One look at his broken blue eyes and down came that wall. Crashing till it hit my feet. I won't admit this to him but.. I'm in love with him. How do you express those feelings to the one person you feel them for. You can't- or at least I can't. I can barely get dressed for school let alone tell Damon I love him. I close my eyes as I make my way to the spare bedroom I've been staying in.

[Is This Love? By James Arthur] is boasting through Scarlet's bedroom and my heart snaps. It is love. The way I feel about him is crazy. He makes me fucking insane. How can I hide these feelings and pretend I just want to be his friend. No- I can't do it. I can't tell him. I have to keep my heart protected.

Flopping on the cushiony bed I close my eyes and ponder over my thoughts for the next four hours. Damon Saint will be the death of me. My absolute fucking.. his heart is filled with fire and mine is filled with gold. Fire & Gold. Closing my eyes I feel the tears pour as the last thought slips out.

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