You two....

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I was set on a mission with masky and hoodie, neither of the girls were instructed to go so they had to stay behind, So it was like when I first got here and it was just us.

We had been going on countless ones non stop ever since our long one with all five of us so it was very stressful, these two looked like they were about to tear the others throat out if they even breathed at eachother wrong.

It was worrying and scary but they normally stop when I intervene, so me being here might stop them....or it might make it worse....

We make it too the house, they're were two guys living here, they were really one was really big and the other was really tall, kinda like tim and brian but brian isn't just tall hes also very strong and could probably kill someone with one punch so compared to them these guys ain't shit.

So they checked out the area and spotted the two guys working in the kitchen, so they both were going to entire through the back door as I enter through the basement and when there confronting the men in the kitchen. I'm supposed to keep watch for people in the livingroom.

So they snuck around back while I crawled through the tiny window that led to the basement, I dropped down and landed in a squatting position. I then trailed up the steps that lead out of the basement, and slid out of the door and into a lit hallway.

I quietly walked down it as the sound of voices got louder as i neared a dark livingroom, with a double door that had light shining from the gap at the bottom, I step back and walk over to the window peering out and watching the roads and far off forest.

I hadn't had any real action with any victims lately, I've been wondering what it would be like to have a solo mission like knew the others. I'm sure I could handle it, I've dealt with much worse and people bigger.

I just say there till I heard a thud from the kitchen I look up curiously and wonder away from the window after checking one last time that no one was there, I walk up to the closed door and hear some rustling and then another thud.

I creak open the door and the first thing that catches my eye is the two dead bodies, one on the table with a slit neck and the other on the floor with what looks like bash wounds encapsuling his caved in head.

The next thing is the two masks that were thrown to the floor and then... masky and hoodie roughly making out on the table, hoodie had masky pressed against it as there hands roamed eachother bodies, it made me flush and tense almost immediately at the sight.

I was taken a back much because not only were they steaming pissed at eachother a bit earlier and looked like they were quite literally going to dismember eachother the first chance they got, but.... why was masky on the bottom.

I'm I that much of a bottom that both of them dominated me.... it was embarrassing to think about but the thoughts were somewhat cut off as multiple pieces of clothing were thrown off and landed adjacent to my feet. I stood there not doing anything but thinking this over.

The fact that these two highly trained enslaved men who have killed countles people, men, women children all of the above. Do not notice me standing here just watching in somewhat amazement at the show that was going on, they were both mostly naked and I had the idea to go as I began to slip off.

I exit the kitchen and sit in the livingroom, there was no noise and the lights are off so there wont be any cops or people scoping the area until someone either finds the body or finds out they're missing so it's safe to say that no one out of maybe one of there friends might stop by.

I walk over to there door and lock the many different types of locks on it, and then close all the curtains including the ones upstairs, dont want anyone getting suspicious right now of all times so I walk back down the stairs and blush deeply at the sounds coming from the kitchen.

Like seriously did they just forget I was here or something, as much as they like to preach about how responsible they are and how they can do no wrong this was really risky and if they get caught slender will be so pissed and will not only get mad at them but me.

So I just lie back on the couch and start to doze off as I place one of the couch pillows over my head to block out the noises, that were kinda making my body react in ways I rather it did not so I just curl up and start to pass out and calm down, I havent been able to sleep properly for awhile so to pass up on this would be stupid, I better take this up while I can.


I groan as I start to hear talking and a bit of soft arguing, "Damnit brian, if he tells were screwed", I here tim sharply say as someone as he pulls me closer as to not drop me, "Sorry, I'm not used to others being with us and when they are they aren't so forgettable", I feel my heart sink a bit as the crunching of leaves swarms my mind, "Y'know after your last offer I wonder why he didn't try and take advantage of the 'situation' ", tim chuckles.

I feel my face flush as I keep my eyes shut and try to keep calm and my breathing slow, I then flinch as I hear a thud infront of us keeping my eyes shut as much as I can, "Damnit Jack your gonna wake him", I hear a small dark chuckle "Since when did you two care, I thought he was an annoying spoiled brat?",

The two of them were silent as I hear them, whisper a bit, "He caught us", hoodie says vaguely, everything was silent once again, until I hear jack crack up and I can feel all three of them look at me, "Blackmail, eh? Wouldn't have taken him for that tipe", he walks over to me and masky and pokes my face.

"Yep hes an asshole, fits right in", I hear Hoodie bluff as masky just starts walking and staying silent, "Well I won't take up more of your, 'time'" I hear jack say and then followed distancing footsteps, hoodie sighs and starts to follow masky.

Blackmail huh....?

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