Quintessence: Escape!

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"...and how do you suppose we escape the greatest, most heavily guarded dungeon in all Ludlandia?", Samorra questions you, sitting up straight and not leaning on the wall anymore.

 "Indeed, Samorra", you say. 

"This is the greatest prison in all of what was the eastern empire, but that doesn't mean that it is  inescapable, Samorra." 

He gives you a dumb look. 

"Lord, I have been here for a while now and I see no way in which we should escape. We are doomed here! There is no need denying it", he confesses, resuming the position he had before.

 "Well I know not for you, Samorra", Aldred breaks in.

 "But if the lord thinks there's a way we can escape, then I am willing to give it a try", he joins you. '

The young lad's admiration and respect of you would make him seem naive, but it's more likely due to his youthful character. 

Samorra rolls his eyes. 

"Okay then!", he shouts.

 "What do you propose?" 

You give him a welcoming smile. Sitting down between them both you begin scheming a plan.

 Aldred accepts every word you say, but even though Samorra doesn't interrupt you, he doesn't look sanguine. 

"There is always a guard that patrols these corridors at night", Aldred informs you. 

"For some reason it is always one. He always walks with a torch so that he can see. But he also carries a sword and the keys", "if we can manage to get the sword from him we would have some sense of safety", he tells you. 

"Yes we would", Samorra confirms. 

"Even so, how will we get out, even if we have a sword, it cannot open these bars. How would we obtain the keys to free ourselves? If we do not manage to get it, there is completely no hope of escape, as when the guard does not return to the surface, they'll come looking for him, and finding him dead at our cell front, they'll rightfully assume that we killed him and then kill us in return", the knight lectures, thinking ahead. 

Although he is being pessimistic, you have to admit that he is only being foreseeable. You must acquire the keys before anything else. And you must kill the guard quietly, lest he makes noise and alerts the others, ruining your escape plan.

You three sit there, each thinking of how to exactly go about this. You then turn to Samorra. 

"How hard can you punch?"

 He looks at you with a wondering look. 

"I am trained knight, lord Alexander, I can hit very hard, and if I have a gauntlet, I can break a nose or so", he answers. 

You nod. 

It is what you wanted to hear.

"Indeed. I will need you to punch me, and make it look real too." 

Samorra looks at you confusingly as if wondering why you would want him to hit you.

You wait till the guards come down and turn on the lamps, signalling that it is night, the perfect time to make a secretive escape.
The other prisoners are hungry and tired, but if they could just stand and wield a sword, even once, then you'd all get a chance to be free.
The guards leave without a word. Later, you hear the clattering of armour and metal, coming down the dungeon stairs. 

"It is he. The night patrol", you say to Aldred and Samorra. 

They nod and get themselves ready. Aldred's eyes look worrisome and scared. As the king's cup-bearer, he is not use to much violence and fighting, but he'll have to, should he survive. Samorra, on the other hand, looks calmer and ready to do this. He claims to have been a knight, and so must be use to fighting and killing. When you hear the footsteps of the guard, you signal Samorra to approach you. 

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