liar, liar | scott mccall

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fandom? teen wolf

name? maxine "max" reverie

face claim? malese jow

face claim? malese jow

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age? sixteen

love interest? scott mccall

season? one—

season? one—

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"in which max, scott, and stiles all play a game of chicken with each other"

for years, max, scott, and stiles have been the unbreakable trio. the awkward, haven't-hit-puberty-yet, sophomores of beacon hills. for years it's been scott and stiles on the bench for lacrosse and max as an alternate on the dance team. this was max's life. and it was nice.

but then a dead body turns up one night, and when max tries to approach her bestfriends about it the next day, she gets shut out. for a second she thinks they'll tell her eventually, but then the day turns into multiple days, and those days turn into being shut out for weeks. max hates being shut out. and the fact that both her bestfriends know that, makes her all the more determined to find out what exactly it is that they're keeping from her.


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y'all already know what people say about friend groups of three. they don't work out haha.

max, scott, and stiles have been best friends forever. she's secretly in love with scott but supports him and allison because she believes that her feelings will just go away. max also values their friendship too much to jeopardize it for something as "pointless" as her feelings.

scott and stiles don't want to worry her about the bite and therefore don't tell her, but she smells their bullshit easily and tries to figure out what's going on.

my original plan was for max to discover her own connection to the supernatural, because of course she has a connection to the supernatural—they literally live in beacon hills. she (preferably) becomes the druid emissary for derek hale's pack, which is how she learns of scott's secret that he and stiles have been keeping from each other!

imagine derek showing up to meet with stiles and scott and max waiting in the shadows or something for derek to introduce er as his druid emissary for that dramatic effect when her two best friend realize that max knows everything. i can perfectly visualize the comedic twin surprised pikachu faces on the two of them omg

i must point out that most of these are suggestions! it is what i had planned for max and her story, and if you adopt it i do ask that you try to stick to the storyline, but it is mostly your choice since you're the one writing it!

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