chapter 8

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He pulling my pants three times… ya TIGA KALI tidaklah buat saya seterkejut apabila dia rapped on 🎵Him & I🎵…

KATAK… KATAK pandai menyanyi…

Saya terkaku atas paha dia… ternga-nga… 😮

🎶Swear we drive each other mad,
she be so stubborn
But, what the fuck is love with no pain,
no suffer🎶

Dia bukan saja menekan that verse, dia menekan juga pinggang saya… tertutup terus mulut saya yang masih ternga-nga dari tadi…

Did I get more comfortable? After my trembling verse, I became more fearless… lebih berani… what got into me? Kalau lebih berani melawan si psycho, tidak apa juga… ini lebih berani mengangkangkan diri saya atas paha dia, singing verse for verse with him…

“Don’t fuck with me, Kimmy…” DUBS DUBS DUBS jantung saya…

Why do I feel my whole body tingling when he called me Kimmy…

And why… oh why that’s the sexiest ‘KIMMY’ I’ve ever heard on anyone’s lips…

“who’s fucking with you?” but, no! stop it, Kimberly…! Walk away… now, now, now…

But he grabbed me and pulled me to him…

“your fucking lips is gonna get fucking fucked… Kimmy… I warned you…” and why is that also the most sexiest fucking sentence I’ve ever heard in my life?

😣 kau pun mau jadi psycho sudah macam London, Kimberly...

London menatap… bibir saya…? is he going to kiss me? My lips parted, My eyes staring down at his handsome face…


Tiba-tiba kedengaran handphone berbunyi mengejutkan kami… I felt the vibration on my ass… it’s my phone…!

A video call…. From… dad?


Pantas saya berdiri dan berjaya berlari sampai di luar club untuk menjawab panggilan daddy…

I slide the screen button to answer daddy’s video call…

“daddy.. I mis…” I smiled on the screen… “mmmhhhmmm!!”


LONDON… ! Dia grip pergelangan tangan saya, pulled my head back and KISSED ME!

To prevent myself from falling, tangan saya melingkar di leher dia…

“oh mio dio, Kimberly! chi è quello?!” mom?! Mom screaming on the other line…!

I bet mom’s face macam udang kena panggang sekarang…

OKAY, so both my parents are in the video call…

“let me go! LONDON!” nasib dia dengar juga… he stopped kissing me…

“chi è quello, Kimmy?” daddy asked calmly… dad is asking who is that, same like mom’s question awhile ago…

“Nobod…” saya mau jawab…
“Baby…” London! When can I kill you?! 😡

“Baby?” Mom… she just sounded so horrified…

“Mom, dad… can I call you guys back later?” saya mau mematikan sudah the video call when…

“Is that Manchester?” dad tanya, sambil memincing mata looking at London… “your future fiancée?”

Saya ternga-nga… Manchester? My future fiancée? Saya tidak hairan yang my parents were already informed that daddy Harren is planning to get me engaged here in KK… but to Manchester? 😳

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