chapter 56

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I felt the bullet ripped through my back… there was a moment that I felt the pain…

Sakit yang sangat menyeksakan.. saya menatap wajah London, the blur then turned to panic on his face… sempat saya membelai wajah dia…

saya sayang kau, Tuan Hakim…

I love you in life… I will love you in death…

Saya tidak tau berapa lama saya tidak sedarkan diri…

Arghh!! Lebih baik saya tidak sedar saja kalau beginilah teruk rasa kesakitan yang saya rasa… saya meringis kesakitan..

Walau mata saya tertutup, saya masih dapat merasa kesilauan dari cahaya putih yang sangat terang… and people talking in panic…

Saya terasa seakan sesuatu sedang mencabut dari jasad saya… tapi saya tetap bertahan…

Saya terasa seakan tidak terdaya menanggung kesakitan ni lagi… tapi saya tetap bertahan…

Although I can hardly make out the words of the people surrounding me, but I know they are all Italians… and I’m in a hospital..

pusing-pusing sudah kepala saya.. why am i in the hospital?

I tried to rewind what happened…

LONDON. The church. The prayer.

My wedding…!! London..!! don’t leave me here..! It’s cold here, sayang… where are you..?

Saya mula menangis…

ARMANDO. The shot. NO…!!! He’s gonna shoot London..! No! No!

My body shook violently…


“Get the ICD..!” suara seorang lelaki kedengaran menulikan telinga saya…

“uno, due, tre!!” BAAPP!! Ouch! My chest, idiot!!

“uno, due, tre!!” BAAPP!! Pukitai dorang ni!!

“uno, due, tre!!!” BAAPP!! Uii sial, kamurang mau bunuh saya kah ni?!

“KIMMY!!!” macam saya kenal tu suara… “Fight, Kimmy, fight!”

Saya tidak pun terasa yang saya buka mata saya, tapi saya boleh nampak pula… ai…? Jordan? Bella’s husband… saya di KK kah ni..? bila saya lagi saya sampai KK?

And why is he ontop of me?! EWWW!! Sial! Walaupun kau handsome, doc, tapi saya tidak titiakan sama kau..! yikes..! laki orang…

“1,2,3!!” BAAPP!! Macam saya kena electric shock..!

“il polso è tornato!” suara wanita kedengaran screaming something a pulse or heartbeat …

what is this? am I in a sex orgy? Oh my god! Sayang!! Help me!!

“doctor!! Good job!” doctor? Ohhh… geez, saya di hospital…

Armando… the shot… the pain.. dan sentuhan terakhir saya, adalah London…

“but we cannot save the baby…” a woman’s voice sounded sad…


Then I heard Jordan’s voice… he’s talking to me…

“Kimmy… you gotta get up and hold on to life.. everyone loves you.. your mom, dad… your brothers.. they are waiting for you..” I heard him sighing heavily… “and London.. he’s breaking down, Kimmy… I’ve never seen him so broken.. I’ve never seen him like how he is right now, he’s so afraid of losing you… you’re his life, Kimmy… if you give up, he will also give up.. and we are sorry we have to sacrifice your baby to save you… London needs you more…”

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