Part 1

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[For those who've read any of my other stories, this has no connection.]

Chrollo pov

My eyes blinked open to see the ceiling of a very grand looking room. I blinked a few times making sure I still wasn't asleep. I had been in a broken down warehouse when I'd fallen asleep but now I was in a huge plush bed with lace curtains and huge windows overlooking a pond. Confused I got out of the bed waiting for someone to attack me. No one did. Nothing jumped out from the shadows around the room. 

"what the hell's going on!?" I hear a shout from a nearby room. I knew the voice all too well. Kurapika the Kurta who killed Paku and Uvo. I stormed out of the room to go see what he was doing here. Turns out that the Kurta boy was two rooms away. His room looked similar to what I had woken up in. I stood in the doorway as I watched the Kurta look around the room with the expression of a trapped animal in a cage. Though the look of distain quickly changed to pure hatred when his eyes laid on me. 

"WHAT THE HELL IS THIS!?" he screamed at me eyes already changing into a glowing aura of scarlet. 

"Honestly I dunno." I say back ignoring his temper and the fact that chains had formed on his hands. He glared daggers at me. I stare calmly back at him.

"Is there anyone else here then?" The kurta asked. It was calmer then before but the rage behind his voice was still bright and clear. 

"Not that I know of." I say to him turning around and beginning to explore where we were and to find the closest exit to the huge mansion we'd been placed in overnight. 

Kurapika pov

I watched as Chrollo left the room before I forced myself to breath and calm down. Guessing that Chrollo had gone off to either look for the exit or others who were stuck here I decided it would be for the best if I got to know my surroundings if I was going to kill the bastard. 

I walked around the mansion house for awhile though got a bit sidetracked while in the library. The books that layered the shelves like the best sweets in the world just urged me to sit down in one of the plush chairs and read them all forgetting about the worries around me. I found a book about a world that was surrounded in huge monsters called titans. I thought it looked good and took it off the shelf making sure to leave a slip of paper where the book should go when I was finished reading it. I tuck the book under my arm and found two more stories. One about a classroom bent on destroying their weird octopus teacher and another on two siblings who were transported to a world where everything is decided by a game.

I left the library with a few books before hopelessly trying to find my way back to the room I had started in. I walked around in circles trying to figure out how many right or left turns I had taken on the way to the library. I swear it took me at least 20 minutes to get back to the room that I'd started in. I stepped in but immediately know two things are different. The bed was in a different side of the room and someone was sitting on the bed with a book in hand. The title of the story the person was reading was labeled as 'Death Note' I glared at the book knowing only one person would read such a thing, Chrollo. 

"This is my room." I say out loud getting his attention. He closed the book and looked up at me face smirking slightly.

"Actually Mr. Kurta this is my room." He said in a cool voice. Eyes never leaving mine, I controlled my breathing trying to keep it steady as I turned around and walked straight out. I wished he'd just leave so I didn't have to walk anymore. It turned out my room had only been two doors down. I flopped down onto the bed and began to read one of the books.

I hate you, I hate you more (Chrollo x Kurapika)Where stories live. Discover now