Chapter 34

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Day 3 of being a king sucks.

Day 1 was nice, I got to enjoy being pampered. Day 2 was just a general meeting with Father to review my kingly duties, but the third day, today. . .

Why does it suck?

Because Biana has suddenly approached me, and her sorrowful eyes and somber tone has instantly clued me in - I think she wants to leave.

For once, Errol's urgent ushering is a welcome distraction from the thought of her leaving.

Why am I so attached to her, anyway? At the beginning of all this, I hated the thought of her being in my Selection. But now. . .

I have feelings for her, I really do, but that's overshadowed by what I feel for the others. Like Sophie.

. . . And Tam. 

Did I love them? Maybe I did, but sorting out the complicated knot of feelings in my heart is a challenge I'll have to face later.

"Keefe? Keefe, have you even been listening to me?" Errol waves a hand in front of my face, his eyebrows pinching in concern. 

"Oh, sorry, could you repeat that?" I ask politely. 

Forkle sighs. "Council meeting, now." Then he drags me along to the expansive room, where the Councillors have sat themselves around the table. 

It has a level of fanciness that almost rivals the throne room, but the throne room is and always will be better; thankfully, my chair here is the fanciest.

The Councillors are all wearing circlets that are less ostentatious than my crown, but it still distinguishes them as part of the Council instead of ordinary Nobility. 

"Um, hi?" I awkwardly wave a hand in a wave, and a short yet Ancient elf glares at me.

I instantly identify him as Bronte. "You're late."

Typical. No one addresses me properly. Hopefully that'll change soon enough. I'll just have to say something brilliant enough that changes their opinion of me. Ha! As if that'll work.

They settle into talking, pointing out certain spots on the map and speaking about matters of the kingdom, cities that need reparation, the budget, treaties with other kingdoms. I listen to it in a haze, not really thinking about anything, until they conclude it.

"Not to worry, Your Highness, we'll be taking care of most of this and slowly be shifting the duties over to you." Councillor Kenric assures me, and his friendliness relaxes me. I give him a small smile. 

He and Councillor Oralie have been the only ones here that have addressed me as the king throughout the whole meeting. They're nice. I like them.

Forkle, who has been standing by the doorway this whole time, nods decisively and ushers me out of the room, and Ro detaches herself from the shadows to follow.

 "Alright, Keefe," Errol checks his schedule on the famed clipboard, "you're free for the rest of the day."

"Oh, thank goodness." I reach up a hand to run through my hair, then remember that there's a crown there.

I stride down a hallway, whistling cheerfully, before I'm sneak-attacked by Biana.

"Keefe, finally!" Biana smiles, yanking me into an empty room. Why are there so many empty rooms here? Why isn't Ro helping me out?

"Please tell me that you want to tell me that you have a late surprise birthday gift for me," I plead, but I know the truth. Still, I want to pretend, just for a moment.

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