☆what we wish☆

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Will held my hand as we walked into school. He gazed up at me as if to say "are you okay with this?" with his wide eyes. I quickly nodded and we countined walking. Snickers and whispers from students surrounded us as we walked briskly down the hallway. I could visibly see Will was getting upset. He looked at the floor, and I saw a single tear roll down his cheek. Will let go of my hand and ran down the hallway. I chased after him and found sitting on the floor, crying and all alone. He sat against the wall, away from everyone.

"Hey! Don't cry, please honey. It's okay. I promise." I assured him, as I wiped his tears away. Will hid his face from me.

"I... I just don't understand! W-why can't we just walk together holding hands without being laughed at?" He sobbed in between taking gasps of air. "Is that really too much to ask for? All I want is to be normal, but I'm far from it, and it shows. If I want to hold hands with my boyfriend, then I shouldn't be judged about it." Will's eyes were swollen from crying. I wrapped my arms around him.

"I wish I could give you a perfect world. A world were we are normal. A world were we can just be us. Believe me Will, I would. And it hurts me that I can't. It really does. I know things aren't perfect right now, but I promise that I will try my best to make it as close to perfect as I can." I gave him a kiss, and ruffled his hair. He giggled as I helped him up. As soon as I turn around to go to my locker, Brad and his goonies were right infront of us. Will hid behide me and grabbed my hand.

"Shiiiiiii-" I was cut off.

"Awww would ya look at that! Two stupid, ugly, little boys who are hiding there discusting love. Little did they know we saw the whole thing." Brad and his goonies chuckled. "I hope you both like Hell because that's where your going! You two are gonna rot! You both are so gross. Everything about you. Just two discusting fa-"

I could feel the heat and anger building up in my blood. I threw the first punch. Brad stumbled back and blood ran down his face. It stained his bright white shirt. His brows furrowed, and his bottom lips quivered. He grabbed me by the collar of my shirt, and pulled me close. He rasied his fist, ready to punch. Right as his fist came racing to my face, Will kicked him on the back of his leg. Brad let go of my shirt imedently screaming in pain, and Will and I ran for our lives. We didn't dare look back at Brad.

The hall was almost empty. The bell for our first class had rung several minutes ago. We never even made it to homeroom.

"Do you just want to get out of here?" I asked Will. He nodded in silence. I slipped my hand into his and we walked out of the front doors.

The silence filled the atmosphere. Will said nothing. I said nothing. We just kept walking. We eventually made it to the playground. We sat on the equipment and Will finally broke the silence.

"Why can't we just love eachother without them just... just..." He broke down again.

"I don't know Will." I put my arm around him and he rested his head on my shoulder. He was sobbing. It hurt me so bad to hear him cry. I started to cry along with him. "I-I d-don't know Will." Why where things the way they were.

"IT'S NOT FAIR!" Will screamed. Birds flew from the trees. "IT'S NOT FAIRRR!" The tears didn't stop. They never seemed to stop. "Why the hell can't I just love you without people making me feel like I'm doing something wrong?" Will cried.

I wish I knew the answer to his question.

Picure Link: https://pin.it/1osgu2z

Author's note: THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR 1K!! I REALLY APPRECIATE IT!!!♡︎♡︎♡︎. Also this oneshot makes me literally so sad. :'(

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