The Sun Also Rises

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Emily's POV.

"I'm smart enough to know how fucked up my life is. But not quite smart enough to haul my ass out of it."

The last three years have been grueling for me, I have had so many books to organize in this fucking library, it's never becoming an easy process. There is no combination between a small lady like me and heavy books. specially when you have a retarded manager-Abaddon-He always pisses me off and he is the kind of boss who is not a piece of shit more like a pile of shit.

Abaddon (with a disappointed look in his eyes): Emily! Come to my office when you finish!

(Speaking about the devil)Okay mister Abaddon.

"Abaddon clears his throat and walked to his office.

"At the end of the day, I went to Abaddon office and I'm sure a disaster will happen when I meet him."

"Knocking on his office door" It's Emily. (With a monotonous voice)

Abaddon (pointed his index for me to get in): Come in and close the door.

(Entered his office and stand in front of his disk.)" How can I help you sir?"

Abaddon (a smile full of malice and destruction): I'm going to fire you.

(Instantly moved back from my spot with a terrifying look) Why? I didn't do anything wrong.

Abaddon (with a gleeful look in his eyes): Yes, you did, you came late this morning.

(With anger course inside me) I literally came two minutes late; it was 9:02 instead of 9.00 Mr. Abaddon.

Abaddon (leaning back against his chair and folded his hands together): Late is late Emily, take your stuff and leave my library, now get the hell out of my office.

Last thing I did before leaving, I spit on him! It felt so good, I wanted to do this since the day I met him.

I left the library, happy for what I did two minutes ago and sad for being an unemployed.

I took a seat on the bench inside a public park trying to figure out what just happened in there. My lips curved into a smile and warmth flew into my heart when I figured that my life will be much better without Abadden.

I felt a presence sitting down next to me. I didn't turn to see who it was, till he touched my shoulder. He was a regular customer in the library.

The customer (softly): I saw what just happened there in the library, darling. This man is human garbage. I witnessed how he treated you in the last three years. (He sighed and smiled softly) You were wasting your time in this job. Don't beat yourself for losing it. (Handing me a small paper with an address on it) I will be there if you need a shoulder to cry on, or anything else (walking away with a proudly look).

His words instantly made my whole mind started to only focus on what he had just told me, these words were caving in on me. This man is really nice. Good really still exists in this world. (My eyes shone with unshed tears. Forcing myself to forget the encounter with Abadden earlier.)

Later I made my way home, as I passed the houses in the neighborhood my hand reached towards my stomach and rubbed it." I haven't had any food today". I entered into my apartment which I can't afford it anymore. I open the door to find out that they cut the electricity because I didn't pay the bills in the last three months. "Great! This day keeps getting better."

I decide to sleep. It's the only thing I can do at the moment. I made my way to the bedroom, as I walked in; I placed my purse at the end of the bed, throwing myself down. (Groaning.)

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