The Birth of Ladrien

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Adrien Agreste shook his head as he scrolled through the newest comments on the fanfiction he was the author of. Not that anybody knew that he was the author of this certain fic, only Lord knows what his father would do to him if he ever found out. Plus, it would feed the tabloids for days if they ever were to find out who had stolen Adrien's heart and this would probably be the stupidest way for his secret crush to get out.

He blamed Nino for it all, he was the one who gave him the stupid dare in the first place. Then the fanfiction got popular and before he knew it, he had created an entirely new celebrity ship. That's when Plagg had given him an idea. It was a stupid idea and one that older Adrien would probably look back on and want to die in hole, but hey! That was older Adrien's problem.

This was now the fifth fic that he had written and he had started to notice a pattern. The first few chapters would go alright, with the tentative friendship between the main pair but as soon as it went fanon someone always complained. So, Adrien had come up with a solution. What better way to diffuse a love triangle than to write one of the love interests as no longer interested? Of course, that wasn't the case seeing as they were the same person, but the public wasn't supposed to know that.

As Adrien scrolled through the comments of his latest fic he thought that it was time to bring out the big guns. The patrol on the night after Ladybug and Adrien get together.

"You know, when I said that you should write a bunch of these stories under different names to get Ladybug's attention, I was joking." Plagg told Adrien.

"Plagg!" Adrien hissed through his teeth. "Get back in my jacket! What if someone sees you?"

"Who's gonna see me Adrien? You're so eager to get to school you got here even before the teacher!"

Well, he wasn't wrong. Adrien had been absent nearly all week between photoshoots and akuma attacks and he wanted to make it up today. If that meant bribing the Gorilla with superhero merch then so be it. He could always buy more.

"Whatever Plagg, just stay low." Adrien remarked.

"Yeah, yeah I know. Sugarcube would kill me if your identity got compromised." Plagg muttered.

"Sugarcube?" Adrien questioned.

"Tikki, she's even more of a stickler for rules than her bug is." Plagg explained.

"Oh, well we'd hate to let down our ladybug's now would we?" Adrien smirked.

"Not unless you want to be skinned."

"Yo dude! You're here early!" Plagg zipped into Adrien's pocket as Nino walked into the room.

"I could say the same to you." Adrien remarked as his best friend slid into his seat.

"I wanted to get some DJ practice in before my gig this weekend and didn't want to bug anyone so I had to go to the art room extra early." Nino told Adrien as Mme. Bustier walked in.

"Hello boys, you're here early." She greeted them.

"Hello Mme. Bustier." They chorused.

"So dude, whatcha reading?" Nino nodded towards Adrien's phone screen. He flushed because even though Nino had given him the dare to write the first ever Ladybug X Adrien fanfiction, it was still embarrassing.

The flushed face did not escape Nino's gaze.

"Ohhhh, it's about your spotted sweetheart, isn't it?" Nino smirked.

"W-what?" Adrien sputtered. "No!" He exclaimed, far too loud to be written off as not suspicious. Nino smirked. "Oh alright," Adrien relented. "Do you remember that dare that you had given me? The one about a certain fanfiction?"

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