Chapter 3: Skateboards and Basketball

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The following day, Leo pulled up to my house on his skateboard before school. We hadn't even planned it, and I felt special that he purposely was seeking me out.

"Hey," I spoke, adjusting the strap on my backpack that was hanging off my shoulder. I was sporting a pair of white wash jeans with white Converse, along with a long sleeved, purple shirt. My hair was pulled up into a high ponytail, while I had just opted for a pinkish-red lip color. I always tried to dress fashionably, but Leo made me want to try even harder. Normally I got in the rut of always styling my hair the exact same way, and just doing the makeup look that was easiest.

"Hey," echoed Leo, a faint smile dancing across his lips.

"Have you been out here long?"

"I went up and down the block a few times." He shrugged casually as I hated how my face was growing a bit warm. "You want a ride?"

"Leo, we can't ride that skateboard together," I claimed, becoming nervous from the thought.

"Sure, we can. I have the bigger model," he shared, dropping it on the ground before placing one foot onto it. "Come on."

I hesitantly placed my feet on the wide skateboard, wrapping my arms around Leo to keep from falling. I couldn't believe how close I was to him, imagining how if he was turned around our faces would be less than an inch apart.

"You ready," he checked.

I feebly nodded my head before he kicked off, squeezing my eyes tightly shut as the breeze tickled my skin. "Leo... we're going to crash..." My legs were starting to shake from how scared I was. I wasn't the best at taking risks and chances.

All I heard in return was his soft laughs though, causing me to squeeze his middle tighter. "Relax, Ava. We can't go that fast anyway with both of us on it."

"I don't care. I'm scared, Leo." I felt stupid as I buried my face against the back of his blue checkered flannel that was flapping open to reveal his white t-shirt underneath.

"Hold on." He slowed to a stop before I carefully let go, stepping down from the skateboard with my jello legs. I did miss holding onto Leo, but I was grateful my feet were against the ground again.

"I'm sorry. I feel so stupid." I studied the crack in the sidewalk as my anxiety spiked.

"Don't be. Look, we're half way to the school now anyway. Let's just walk."

I lifted my head to give him a weak smile. "Thanks for understanding."

"No problem. You know I would never let you get hurt, right? I've been skateboarding ever since I was 5. I don't really crash anymore."

"That's really cool. Do you have any other secret talents," I playfully teased.

"I can't tell you. That would ruin the mystery," he claimed.

"Well, I know you're good at basketball and skateboarding."

"You've never even seen me play," he scoffed.

"Then you should try out for our basketball team."

"Yeah, like I want to hang out with all those jocks," he sarcastically answered.

"Come on, the guys at my school aren't that bad."

"I don't see you talking to any of them."

I stopped talking as his words sunk in, flash backing to a pair of light brown eyes and styled, dark brown hair. "Do you trust me?"

"Ava," Leo hesitantly asked, breaking me out of my memories.

"Sorry, I don't really talk to anyone."

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