Chapter 13: How Jealous Are You?

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WARNING: There's a sex scene at the end of this chapter again. I've been trying to keep them at the end of chapters, so they're easier to skip over if you want to do that. <3 I'll mark where it starts, so you know.

I ended up putting on a white, short sleeved crop top with a picture of a yellow butterfly with black lines in its wings on the chest area. I paired that with a short, black and white checkered skirt before slipping on a pair of white Keds. Leo had pulled on a pair of beige, khaki shorts and a sky blue Hawaiian shirt, pairing that with his white Converse. We both snuck upstairs, holding back our giggles as we checked to see if the coast was clear. After realizing my mom was definitely gone, since her keys were missing off the hook in the kitchen, Leo grabbed the phone in that same room, dialing the school.

"Hello? This is Mrs. Kelley. My daughter won't be coming in to school today. Why? Oh, she's just not feeling well. She's sick with an upset stomach. Uh huh. Okay. Great. Bye, hun." I burst out laughing after he ended the call, impressed by his girly voice.

"Are you going to say the same thing when you call in as your mom," I guessed.

"Nah, I've got to change it up, so it won't look suspicious," he grinned, the phone already pressed to his ear again. "Hello? This is Ms. DiCaprio. My son, Leonardo won't be in at school today. He's got a bit of a stuffy nose, and I think he has a fever. I'm getting the thermometer now. Okay. Bye."

"Should you have called that close together," I wondered after Leo hung up.

"Have you seen the size of our school? I bet they get a bunch of calls every morning of kids not coming in," he emphasized, jumping off the counter where he had been sitting.

"So, what are we doing now," I wondered, Leo's lips curving beautifully upwards.

"We are going to the beach," he informed me.

"Will you be okay after what happened," I slowly asked.

"Ava, we were on a boat in the middle of the ocean. This is nothing like that."

I nodded a tiny bit before he led me outdoors, the sky unusually overcast. I grasped his hand more securely when the waves rolled into view, admiring the white sand.

"Come on," he smiled, sort of running with me to the boardwalk. We ended up stopping at a place that sold corndogs, eating those as we stared out at the sea.

"It's so serene here, like nothing bad could ever happen," I noted, leaning my arms on the wooden barrier after we got rid of our trash. The wind whipped around Leo's loose shirt as my hair blew back, him right next to me.

"Yeah," he agreed, silence washing over us again. I shivered as the atmosphere seemed to grow colder, it starting to sprinkle all of a sudden. In a flash it was pouring down rain, Leo running with me beneath the boardwalk, so that we wouldn't get wet. He grinned widely with his damp hair, his eyes lit up as joy radiated off them. I went over to where he was, wrapping my arms around his torso as we turned our heads to watch the foggy downpour. I closed my eyes when I felt Leo delicately kiss the top of my head, never feeling more secure and safe.

"Maybe we should go back home. I'm getting cold," I admitted, goosebumps raising on my skin.

"Okay." Leo pressed his lips against my head again before we hurried back to my mansion.

Once inside we headed down to my basement, me turning on a small heater as we dried off a bit. Leo held his hands in front of it as we sat on the edge of the couch. I couldn't help but gaze over at him, thinking about how cute he was, falling in love with his casual expression. His blue eyes then abruptly moved to mine, the color so flawlessly crafted. I wrapped my arms around his neck as I half smiled at him, just enjoying his company.

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