Chapter 14: Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas

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WARNING: There's another sex scene in this chapter. (X It's at the end though, and it's not as long as the others.

The old-fashioned version of, "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas," was playing on my mom's record player as Leo, his mom, and my aunt helped us decorate our tree. My aunt was in the kitchen baking fresh gingerbread cookies while my mom helped her, Leo's mother, Belinda, stringing popcorn and cranberries on the sleek, light grey, velvet couch. I watched as Leo sat on the floor cutely, untangling the lights. His knees were sticking out as he sat with his legs in a diamond shape. I went ahead and rummaged through the cardboard box from the attic, retrieving a few ornaments that I was interested in.

"Why do lights always get so fuckin' tangled," Leo muttered under his breath.

"Leo," his mother lightly scolded for his cursing.

"Sorry, Mom, but it's just so frustrating," he replied, lifting up the string as he finally got part of it to cooperate.

"So, what do you want for Christmas this year, Ava," Belinda asked, using my special nickname since she was used to Leo always calling me that.

"I don't know. I think I've got everything I need already." I grinned over at Leo as he did the same, his blue eyes sparkling.

"You two are so cute," his mother emphasized. "I'm glad you were able to find each other."

"Yeah, it's a pretty big school," Leo commented, becoming sexy as he poked his tongue on the inside of his mouth, fully concentrated on his task as his eyebrows furrowed together.

"Do you need help," I offered, going to where he was.

"Nah, I've got this." Just then the lights were no longer a twisted mess, him holding a section of them out at arm length proudly. "Ta da."

"Here, I can help you put them on the tree."

"Do you kids need help," Belinda jumped in, all three of us going around the artificial evergreen.

I laughed at one point when Leo got pinned to the tree by mistake, pecking his lips as he fake pouted. Soon the lights were up and running, and now we were throwing tinsel all over.

"Leo, you don't want to put it all in one place," I spoke up.

"Hey, I made one mistake. Give me a break," he playfully defended.

Next were the ornaments, which was the most fun part until I came across one that held happy memories turned sad. Leo slowly walked up to where I was planted on the floor, joining me.

"You okay?" His blue eyes danced between mine before I barely nodded my head, turning from him.

"Yeah, my dad got me this ornament. It's a limited edition "101 Dalmatians" one. It was what he gave me when we decorated the tree the year... You know, that I got Patch," I finished, biting my lower lip as I fought off tears, but they streamed past my cheeks anyway, rolling down my jawline.

Leo tenderly brushed them away before wrapping me up securely, a warm hand touching my shoulder. I forced a smile behind me at Belinda as she gave my shoulder a comforting squeeze.

"Who wants gingerbread cookies," my Aunt Christine questioned after bursting into the room.

"I'll take one," I sniffled, the corners of my mouth twitching upwards as I took one of the warm desserts. Leo ended up grabbing a cookie himself, his mom being no different.

"Wow, you got a lot done while we were gone," my mom remarked.

"Thanks to Leo. He untangled the lights," I shared.

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