Chapter 4: The Signs

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I watched intently as Leo's sneakers squeaked across the gymnasium, his skin glistening with sweat beneath his white jersey. Our school colors were white and red, so his number 14 was in a solid red shade. I licked my lips as I held my breath, hoping no one had noticed how transfixed I was on my now best friend. We had been hanging out together ever since the first day, feeling inseparable at times. Leo grinned when he was passed the basketball and swooshed it through the hoop, him strolling among his teammates in slow motion to me, them patting him on the back and giving him high fives. The coach blew the whistle, congratulating the entire group on their efforts for the day. He then yelled at them to hit the showers, Leo shooting me a joyful smile as he jogged passed. I finally breathed normal for the first time in at least an hour after he left.

"Hey, you here for someone on the team," asked none other than Inez. She had a narrow nose with perfectly rosy cheeks and cat eyeliner. Her honey blonde hair was cut fairly short but with curls, her bangs falling across her forehead perfect. Needless to say, she was classified as one of the most beautiful girls at our school. She also was fairly popular, so she always made me feel a bit uneasy. I worried she would be the gossiping type, since a lot of the well known girls at this school were.

"Just my best friend, Leo," I replied, hoping she couldn't tell that I was struggling for my heart not to squeeze painfully. This is why I avoided social interaction as much as possible. I always worried I would say the wrong things or rub someone the wrong way.

"He's pretty good. He's new this year, right?"

"Right," I confirmed, subconsciously wrapping my arms around me, snug in my white sweater with two, thick navy blue lines on the wrists and neckline.

"Would you two want to come to my party this Saturday? It's just a pool party, no alcohol, nothing like that. My dad would kill me if he found out, and trust me, he has the neighbors monitor me when he's away and I have people over."

"Um, sure," I reluctantly agreed.

"Just make sure you bring a bathing suit. The water's heated, so it won't matter if it's chilly that night. There will be pizza. What kind you and Leo like?"

"Uh..." I glanced around as I saw Leo walking up to us, wanting Inez to leave so he wouldn't meet her. About every guy fell for her gorgeous good looks, especially one in particular... "I like mushrooms and cheese. Leo's into pepperoni," I rapidly answered.

"Hey, you talking about me," Leo joked, leaning his arm on his leg as he placed his foot on the bottom seat of the bleachers.

"I was just inviting you and Avery to my party this Saturday. Hope to see you there," Inez positively reacted before gracefully standing and leaving. I noticed Leo watched her walk away, her hips naturally swaying just the right amount. I hoped he wouldn't keep staring at her, my palms beginning to sweat.

"Who's that," Leo wondered, effortlessly going up to the section I was seated at.

"Inez. She's one of the popular girls at this school," I explained, avoiding Leo's gaze in fear I would be able to tell if he was crazy about her.

"She is really pretty," Leo commented.

"Yeah," I forced out, already feeling a wave of sadness wash over me.

"So, what kind of party is this?" I turned to Leo despite my turmoil of emotions. I couldn't keep him from everyone. He had the right to be around other people, girls included...

"It's just a pool party. No drinking, just pizza, and soft drinks I'm guessing," I informed him.

"Sounds great," he grinned enthusiastically, his tone of voice so flawless. I just hoped it wasn't because of him meeting Inez.

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