Chapter 5: Apartment with a View

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Leo's first basketball game I was there front row and center. I couldn't help but feel so proud of him, watching as his slim figure raced across the court. I had worn a pair of white jean shorts with a short sleeved top with a bit of a turtleneck, the design of red and white stripes on it. My stomach showed a little bit, but it was alright, since my pants went above my belly button. I cheered as our team secured another goal, Leo just grinning like the happiest guy in the world. It was so adorable how while all the other guys were "acting cool," or not showing much expression at all, Leo was just expressing how much he loved the game.

"Hey, Avery, anyone sitting here?" I cringed when I heard Inez's voice, shaking my head 'no' after looking up at her. "Ugh, I would have been here sooner, but I had to walk my little sister to ballet practice." When halftime began, Inez spoke up once again.

"So, have you been avoiding me?"

"What do you mean?" I was confused since we never even hung out before.

"It just seems like whenever I come around, you disappear. Did I do something wrong?"

Yeah, you frickin' made out with my best friend/major crush. "No," I claimed.

Just then it was as though something clicked in her brain. "Wait, were you upset I was kissing Leo at my party?"

I just stared at her warily, not wanting to confirm her guess.

"You were. I'm so sorry, Avery. If I had known I wouldn't of gone after him."

I just looked away, not in the mood to hear her lies, but she didn't sound fake.

"Look, he's really cute, but if you like him then I'll back off. I haven't even seen him since the party," she defended. I finally willed myself to face her, choosing my next words wisely.

"We're just friends anyway. He can date whoever he wants." I think my weak smile gave away how much I was hurting inside.

"No way, he might be cute, but I won't go after him then."

"That didn't stop you from going after Ryan," I said bitterly under my breath.

"Ryan went after me, Avery," she sternly said, not seeming happy by the accusation. "It's not my fault he lied about you guys being together. I actually was going to talk to you about it right after it happened, but I never saw you. I found out what a jerk he was too, so if it makes you happy you can consider that's what makes us even."

"Inez, why do you care so much about my opinion? We've never hung out, been friends, or anything."

"You don't remember, do you? Or maybe you're too stupid to realize it." I was stunned from the insult, not sure how to react. "When we were in middle school, no one picked me for their team in gym class, ever. They all thought I was a slut for going out with three of the most popular guys in one year. We were only 14 for goodness sakes, like we were doing much those days. I guess because I developed early that gave them the reason for the assumptions, but you, Avery, only you picked me for your team every time. Granted the first time it was when I was the only one left, but after that I was one of the first. It meant a lot to me. None of the other girls would pass me without a sneer, but you treated me like a normal human being. So, I'm sorry if you think I stole that asshole Ryan from you, or that I was trying to take Leo too, because it's just not fucking true. So, I guess it's up to you. You can choose to hate me, but I'm trying to be a friend now. I've always thought you were cooler than me, Avery, because you never had an entire school hate you. Everyone likes you at least as an acquaintance. You're lucky."

"I'm sorry, Inez, I had no idea," I quietly admitted, the buzzer sounding as the basketball teams ran back out onto the gymnasium floor, Inez and I both ignoring everything else but our conversation.

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